Just try

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After Jake's little speech, Heeseung changed his attitude a little. He accepted to try, but told Jake they had to take it slow.

So, instead of suddenly acting like a young loving couple, they simply started acting as friends.

They did their homework together, helped each other on their common subjects, and explained to each other what the rest was about.

After this, they dressed the table and cooked together. Only speaking when it was necessary, and after supper, they went their separate ways once at the top of the stairs.

Lying on his bed, Heeseung thought this wasn't too bad. Jake was just a normal schoolmate after all. Maybe he could do it after all.

The following days went smooth. They were still a bit uncomfortable, and didn't know what to talk about when alone together, but they met each other's friends and discovered a little more about each other.

This game was getting fun for Heeseung. Learning to know Jake was like collecting figurines, and the more he had, the more he wanted.

After two weeks, it actually felt like they were friends!

No, they actually were friends.

End Game (Jake x Heeseung Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now