Brain washed

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By dint of staring and imagining stuff about Jake, Heeseung came to awake something unexpected within himself.

He became aware of Jake.

Now, when the latter would take his hand, or put his head on his shoulder, or look him in the eyes, Heeseung would shudder. His heart would start to beat faster, and his cheeks would become hot.

He even started to put meaning behind everything Jake would do. And it wouldn't help that they were living together...

At first, he would thought it fun, because he was amused about the fact that Jake was possibly crushing on him.
After all, hate and attraction were two different things.
But when he, himself, started to unconsciously expect or even mend for these kinds of attentions, it horrified him.

Seeing Jake in such close proximity was now a torment to Heeseung. It started to make him so uncomfortable, that he began to completely avoid him.

Overnight, Heeseung stopped holding Jake's hand on their way to school -even for fun- he stopped hanging out with their common friends, and he started going out of his way to avoid running into him at school. He even started avoiding him at home!

And of course, Jake didn't like that. So, he decided it was time to have another little conversation with Heeseung.

End Game (Jake x Heeseung Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now