Easily forgiven

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The day after, the two boys met at the entrance, before heading to class. Heeseung made a face, gave Jake the finger, and left in a hurry, while Jake was still struggling to put on his shoes.

The latter simply sighed, a little amused, and followed him leisurely.

Heeseung felt a little stupid after this childish encounter, but he just couldn't help feeling overly conscious of Jake after what happened. And all he could do in his presence besides fidgeting and skipping his eyes, were faces and insulting signs.

He was relieved to not cross path with Jake all morning.
Until the afternoon break.

After they insisted, Heeseung had went back to hang out with their shared group of friends, so seeing Jake was inevitable.

But weirdly, Jake seemed pretty unfazed by his presence. They crossed eyes, Jake nodded at his address, then went back to his conversation.

This was terribly infuriating!

Heeseung always had his senses on high alert everytime he was around him (even more after what happened between them), and would react at every breath he would take. While Jake would simply go around, as if he was another one of his normal friends.

This annoyment followed Heeseung during their whole break time.

Until he realized how stupid it was.

He should be happy Jake was acting so normal! He didn't want to have anything to do with him. So, having him away from him was actually good. It was-


The two groups from different classes were parting ways to go back to their last lecture, when Jake called for Heeseung.

The latter instinctively turned around, and internally cursed himself for doing so.

Jake rejoined him, and with baffling casualness, slid his arm around his waist to come whisper in his ear.

Heeseung tensed up, immobilized by the surprise. But when he felt Jake's warm breath on his neck, while his hand was softly pulling him closer, he couldn't help but shiver. His body melted, and his eyelashes started batting on their own.

His eyes half-closed, he listened to Jake saying,

"I'm sorry I was mean yesterday. I'll wait for you after class, so don't leave without me."

Jake then left an almost imperceptible kiss on his cheek, before running back to his friends.

Heeseung understood nothing of what had just happened to him, but kept thinking about it for the rest of the day.

End Game (Jake x Heeseung Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now