I found the solution

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Jake was heading to the university restaurant from the bathroom, when he heard the news. Two girls ran up to him and shouted,

"Jake! How can you let him do this!?"

"Pardon?" he said, not understanding what they were talking about.

"It's Heeseung! Did you two break up?!"

"Break up? How- Why?"

"Weren't you two dating?"
Jake didn't answer.
"We saw them! He was kissing Alicia!"
Jake's eyes doubled in size.
"We heard that they started dating just this morning!"
Frozen on his feet, Jake was waiting for the information to climb up his brain.
"What a crazy love triangle...," whispered one of the girl.

Jake then had a violent shrug, making the two girls jump, and left in a hurry, to go confirm it himself.

And he didn't have to search for it for long. As soon as he entered the restaurant, his eyes were caught by a crowd surrounding exactly who he was searching for.

Heeseung was sitting at his table, a huge smile on his face, his arm around Alicia's shoulders.

Jake stared at him for a while, not knowing what expression to make. Until one of his friends called out to him, telling him to come sit down.

Turned docile by his shock, Jake simply went to sit there, and said nothing for the rest of lunch break. His friends wouldn't dare ask him how he felt.

End Game (Jake x Heeseung Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now