Jealous much?

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When Heeseung came back from his date, he had a gloomy feeling in his chest. He liked talking with Alicia and going out around town, but on his way back home, he started feeling like he had just wasted his afternoon.

And of course, as he passed the door, his luck made it so he would come face-to-face with the one person he didn't want to see.

Jake was once again coming back from the kitchen, a yogurt in his hands, when their eyes met.

They stayed motionless half a second too long.

But Heeseung acted composed, and simply took off his shoes, before taking the exact opposite route. Meaning, towards the kitchen.

He mindlessly went to fetch a soda in the fridge, Jake's presence still prickling his nape.

But then, he heard his voice,

"You are still dating Alicia?"

Heeseung turned slowly towards him. He was just realizing this was the exact situation he had been expecting for the past three weeks.

But now that he was experiencing it, he didn't know how to respond.

So, he simply leaned against the fridge, and, trying to keep a stable voice, replied,

"Why do you ask? Are you jealous?"

He wasn't realizing how much his hands were trembling and struggling to open his soda.

Jake, his yogurt still in his hand, stared at him for a second.

"Do you want me to be?" he finally asked.

Heeseung met Jake's eyes. He wasn't looking smug nor mocking him. The question sounded a little too serious.

To elude the tension, Heeseung sighed and rolled his eyes.


"Yes," cut Jake.
Heeseung froze.
"Yes, I'm jealous."

In front of Jake grave expression. Heeseung couldn't help a nervous laugh.

Jake had had such violent outbursts before, that now that he was so calm, Heeseung had forgotten how to react.

In just a few words, Jake had completely shut him up.

End Game (Jake x Heeseung Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now