Chapter 8

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I was happier now that Kasey was gone. He seemed very Ill-tempered. Wesley was kind and not rude. Maybe because he had morals. I didn't know. But it had to be better than Kasey. He was abusive. And it wasn't the color of his skin. It was him as a person. There were so many black men here who weren't like him. But I was glad Wesley was here.

"Well, at least you're not Kasey," I laughed. He smiled and nodded. It noted.

He escorted me downstairs for breakfast, but no one was there. I looked at Wesley's watch. 9:30 am. Great. Breakfast was usually served at 8:30. We were late. But there was still food on the table. Pancakes, waffles, breakfast ham, eggs. It looked great. Wesley looked at me and nodded for me to take a seat. He poured me some orange juice. We hadn't been hurt since we got here almost a week ago, and odds are they didn't want to hurt us. At least Derek and his men didn't. That's how I felt.

"How long have you been working for him," I ask. Wesley sighs.

"Around three years," he said. I was starstruck.

"He's been kidnapping people that long," I said. He shook his head and let out a slight chuckle.

"No, he was on the force until last year. Something went wrong, and he quit," he said.

"The police force," I ask. He nods.

"He was a police officer or detective; after a mission gone wrong, he quit, and he's been working for this guy," he said. I nod in understanding. So, he was on the good side of the law? And he knew what this meant for him. Maybe he wasn't the bad guy after all. Someone doesn't just turn sour overnight.

I finished eating breakfast and asked Wesley to take me to the library again. He was glad to take me. I was hoping to run into Derek, but he wasn't there. I hadn't seen him since dinner last night, and it remained that way for a while. It wasn't very kind to me. Trying to avoid me after he kidnapped me. It's astonishing. Really. Derek was a piece of work. But he wasn't too far gone. He could be convinced to do the right thing if he worked as a policeman.

"So, I have decided I need new clothes," I said. Wesley laughed.

"I will speak to Derek and see what I can do," he said. I nod to him. He still sounded familiar.

"We're you in the passenger seat the day we were kidnapped, and the basement cell?" I ask. He acts like he's surprised at her.

"I was, I was trying to keep a low profile. It was a wig; I just needed a disguise. I'm surprised you caught on," he said. I took that offense.

"I don't mean it like that, but I was disguised," he said. I smile.

Spending the day with Wesley was great. I needed someone more on my level. He was a people person. And he knew the law, but he was breaking the law.  And he knew that. But he wasn't backing away now. We laughed and snacked, and he let me go into the kitchen with him, not caring about their knives and forks. I  wasn't tempted to escape. I wanted to stay; maybe I could help Derek. If Wesley were open with me, possibly Derek would be. Wesley had told the other guards to wait outside the kitchen while he and I snacked.

Unlike the other guards, Wesley didn't lock me up and leave me there. He wanted me to feel comfortable. I wondered whether he was getting something out of it or being friendly. But I wasn't complaining. The kitchen staff were made to step out of the kitchen while he and I prepared dinner for everyone.

"Now, I permit you to use the kitchen utensils. Just don't stab me and run," he said. We laughed about that.

"I'm excited to cook; it's been a couple of weeks since I've cooked anything; what's on the menu," I ask. He looked over the menu and chose a few entrees.

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