Chapter 13

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Wesley looked at the guy I just punched a few times, and he squinted his eyes at him. Did he call me crazy? I squirmed to get away from Derek, but he held tight to me. Not letting me go. Afraid I would kill them and not come back from it.

"You did try to kill her, so she done you a favor," Wesley said, punching him once, knocking him out. Derek kept holding on to me. Until I finally felt the adrenaline running out, and I wasn't crashing, but I was getting tired. So I relaxed. And Derek let me go.

"What the hell just happened," Derek asked. Wesley took a deep breath and snickered. Pushing a button in his pocket, turning the sirens off. A few seconds later, my sisters came running up the steps with Noah and Matthew. They, too, wanted to know what happened to me.

"These men were here to kill her. I don't know the story, but she beat the hell out of them," Wesley said. I nod. Chloe ran to me, noticing me bleeding and looking horrid.

"The adrenaline, it's wearing off; I need someone to get me a rag and some water, Noah," she said. Wesley put his hand up.

"I'll get it, and I'll take my gun back, Riley," he said, seeing his gun in her hand. She gave it back quickly.

Noah helped Chloe, but I started to wobble when Wesley returned. Derek was right behind me, trying to steady me. And Wesley came closer to me with the water and rag, wiping my face.

"Bring her to my room, doctor her there. I have a phone call to make," Derek said. Wesley nods, and then Derek stops Wesley, "We will talk later."

All I remember after was Wesley carrying me into Derek's room and laying me on his bed. I was out after that. I fell asleep as the adrenaline wore off. But I was in and out after. My sisters got to stay with me. But Derek and Wesley were talking outside. Noah and Matthew were also with me. Derek tried to make things easier for me, but I felt it was controversial, so he kicked me out and invited me back in. This was only until I got better.

I heard bits and pieces of Derek and Wesley talking. But I heard enough to know that he was mad about giving me a gun and Riley taking it and about calling his boss and telling him there was a breakthrough when there wasn't. But Wesley agreed with telling him because they didn't want us in any more danger; seeing it tonight made it real for them.

I woke up in the morning, and everyone except Derek was gone. He sat in the chair. And for whatever reason, I didn't know. Until he told me, I didn't know. I figured it was to patronize me more, but when he spoke, it wasn't that at all. His voice was concerned and apologetic.

"I realize I've been well-mannered. I don't mean to be, but seeing you in danger put some things in perspective for me last night, the way you raged out, knowing it was you or them; I knew you were strong but physically able to take down two men, that was the first time I had seen you show you're strength and the fight to live," he said. I sat up. He knew I was awake, at least. He sighs, letting his arms rest on his side.

"I know you've got a friend in Wesley. He is a good friend, and I may have been too forward to put you out and ignore you, but something you said made me realize caring about me or me caring about you only puts you in danger with my boss, and I can't, and won't do that," he said. He leans against the window. His arms are now crossed. And he looks out with sadness.

"You and your sisters will be leaving, and I will be going to Lee myself," he said. I arched my brow down.

"You're telling us to leave so you can go on a suicide mission by yourself," I asked. He chuckles.

"Yeah, I guess I am," he said. I stood up. My heart is shattered. I cared about him and tried to hide it, but he grew on me.

"That's not happening," I said. His head snapped toward me.

"It's not a debate; you're going, and I will take care of Lee."

"And get yourself killed."

"A risk I will take to protect you and your family; I won't hurt you or them," he said. I cross my arms.

"It's too late for that, Derek; you did that when you kicked me out; I stayed because I cared and I knew you weren't a bad guy; I wanted to help you, and maybe that isn't what you want, but I do," I said. He shook his head. And he stepped closer.

"You don't know him, Addison. He's worse than what you faced last night, and he has so many on his team," he said. I stepped closer to him.

"So do you, me, my sisters, the boys and Wesley, and your security team, we can do this," I said. He shook his head.

"No, I've made up my mind; you leave in three days," he said as he stormed out. I stood there waiting for someone to come in, but I was alone.

My hand was wrapped in gauze, probably from beating those men, and Derek shattered my heart. I didn't want to admit it, but we had known each other for almost two weeks, and I was falling hard. I liked Wesley, too, but something about Derek kept pulling me back in. He was misunderstood and trying to protect me and my sisters.

I walk downstairs, still in my sweats and T-shirt. My sister probably put it on me, but I was comfortable no matter what. At least Derek wasn't avoiding me now. I met everyone down for breakfast, and he joined us, and so did Wesley. Same seating and Wesley beside me. He was glad to me up and moving.

"Hey, nice moves last night; you are a fighter," he said. Derek looked up and gave him the look you give someone as if they are itching for something.

"Thanks, I can handle myself," I said, looking at Derek. He places his fork down. Riley and Chloe notice the change in atmosphere. And so does Wesley.

"Addison, don't," he said. Riley and Chloe both look from me to him. Wesley is staring at me and glancing at him.

"I'm just saying with all of us, we are unstoppable."

"Not happening," he said, picking his glass up.

"Why do you care so much? I mean, you kidnapped us, and we are willing to help you..."

"ENOUGH, Addison, I want you to stay with your sisters until you leave; I'm not hearing this," he said, getting up. Wesley didn't say anything. Derek then walked away.

And here it was, the silent treatment again. Because he couldn't admit, he was catching feelings. This was incredibly real. Wesley sees through his lies, too. But he wouldn't say anything to him. Just the opposite, he stayed quiet. And the girls wouldn't know anything either.

"Well, I guess I'll be finding Lee myself then."

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