Chapter 39

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Did he say coming for me? Why would the CIA want me? What did I have to do with anything? Did Wesley say that right? I knew it was someone but me, why? Did he know he sounded crazy? Maybe he didn't realize how unusual he stated.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because Derek would never go freely, they knew that. They saw you two on the television and put two and two together; they knew he was protecting you," he said. But why would the CIA want him?

"But the FBI wanted us, why the CIA," I questioned with good reason, too.

"Because the FBI has always done things to the books, the CIA does not; they knew Derek was innocent because they had been following up on Lee. They were close to busting him until the FBI was called on us; Dani was sent to retrieve you in hopes of drawing Lee out once Derek followed; it was a win-win," he said.

I figured it out, though. If the CIA wanted Lee, the best way to draw him out was to ensure Derek was within reach. And he wasn't going to go freely, but If I was taken to them, he would follow, and he could potentially draw Lee out because Lee wants Derek to turn against him. That made perfect sense. And Dani telling Derek I was gorgeous. She was sucking up to me.

But Derek would never let me go..would he? If it meant catching Lee, maybe he would. But putting me in harm's way didn't sound like something Derek would do. He didn't want me going with Jake to disarm those trackers, so would he allow me to go to the CIA? If he did, it would shock everyone. Especially me.

"Derek will never go for it, but we need to do something; I'm going to be a father, and I would like to raise this baby with no fear of Lee coming after Dani or the baby," He said. I knew what he meant. I wanted everything to go back to normal. I hated hiding out. It had been almost a month, and we were getting antsy.

"We need to convince him or just leave and write a note explaining where we are," I said. He nods.

"As much as I agree, until Dani feels a lot better, we can't walk into the CIA without her," he said. I nod, knowing he's right. But she could be okay in a few days, and then we could go to them and hopefully draw Lee out.

"Alright, we wait a few days. Once she's better, she can bring me to them; you may want to stay behind, though, just in case," I said. He shook his head.

"No, I will go, and I'll see if Jake will come along; two trained men are better than none," he said. I nod. He was right.

Our plan was simple. Dani needs rest. We will allow her around three days to do just that. When she's feeling better at midnight, we sneak out after we know Derek is sleeping(even if we have to drag him). Me, Wesley, Jake, and Dani. It was solid. Bring nothing but ourselves. According to Wesley, the headquarters are pretty close to here. It could be a few miles. So we would only be traveling for a short time.

That night, I didn't say a thing to anyone. Not even Derek or Noah. I was so quiet that I was barely noticed. No one asked me how I was doing; they didn't look my way, and everyone was too happy about Dani. Maybe I was pleased that eyes weren't on me, but it still felt off. Jake was outside. He told the group he would take watch, and I believe Derek trusted him; after all, his sister lied to him, and he didn't try to kill me when we disarmed the trackers.

Noah and Chloe were fixing dinner, and Riley talked with Matthew in the living room. Derek stayed with Dani and Wesley. So it was me alone. I was okay with that. But I was a little lonely. So, I decided to join Jake for a while. He didn't mind that. The company was appreciated. He had talked about his family. His wife and his newborn son. He even had pictures. They were beautiful. And probably worried sick about him. I would have been.

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