Chapter 17

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I said that to Derek. The guy I wanted to stay close to was now the one I wanted, nowhere near me. He had made his choice. They kept me locked up while they were taking out Lee. I thought we had settled this back at the villa, but I needed to be corrected. He wasn't going to change his mind. But if he wouldn't, then I didn't have to speak to him.

I walked upstairs, knowing Derek would watch me walk away from him. And I knew he did. I didn't think he was hurt and disappointed. But I figured he would be upset, rolling his eyes. But he wasn't. He was just broken. Thinking of what he could say to make this better for me. He knew that keeping me here, not knowing whether he and Wesley would come back or come back alive, was killing me. Both of them had a place in my heart. And it was killing me to try and stay strong.

I entered the empty room, a small bed, a small window, and a small cabinet, with tears in my eyes. I was angry and afraid. What if Derek didn't come back from this? What if Wesley didn't come back? And then I broke, I just died. Knowing I might not ever see them ever again. And even though I knew we were kidnapped, those two weren't the bad guys and had proved time and time again they were not there to hurt us. Derek was the one standing in the way. And if he was standing in the way, I stood behind him, and I didn't like that feeling. I wanted to stand beside him.

Tears streamed down my cheeks, hitting the floor. My heart sank to the bottom, and I felt like falling into a bottomless pit. And neither of them understood the pain. I wanted to run to them, hug them, tell them not to go, to stay here with us, hideaway with us, but they wouldn't. I knew that. First, I wanted to go home. Being kidnapped just for my kidnapper and me to catch feelings, then I was almost killed, and now the FBI wanted us because of Lee. It was too much.

There was a knock at the door. I didn't answer it. I didn't want to. Who knows who was on the other end of the door? It could've been any of them, and I wasn't ready to see anyone. And if that meant staying quiet so they would think I was in the bed, then that's what I would do, and precisely what I did. I tried to keep my crying down. I worried about someone hearing me. I covered my mouth.

"Addison," Wesley said, knocking. I didn't answer. He was on Derek's side about it, and I wasn't about to let him come in either.

"Addison, I know you're awake; I heard you crying. Look, I know this is hard to understand, but we have your safety to think about; he isn't doing this to hurt you, me either, so stay mad at us or me or him, but we are only trying to protect you."

I sighed, knowing he was right. But Derek didn't get it. I was willing to put my life on the line for them both. I stood up, knowing I'd regret opening the door. But I opened it, and he was still in his combat uniform. His guns are on his belt. And he looked upset. Probably about my crying, but he did look upset. I wiped my eyes, opening the door for him.

"Whose watching," I asked. He clears his throat, sitting on the bed.

"Derek is taking watch. He told me to talk to you, but I refused to hurt you anymore," he said. He folded his hands together. And looked at me.

"Addison, you're upset, and I understand; I understand that you need to fight us, but you can't. However, I will help you, only in self-defense, in case things go bad," he said. I smiled. This was great. He was willing to help me in self-defense; I would take that.

"Okay, I will take it; I just want to be able to defend my sister And myself,"  I said. He nods and stands up.

"Yeah, I will train your sisters and Matthew and Noah too, but I'm doing it against Derek's wishes, and he knows, so starting tomorrow, we have a lot of work to do," he said. I did something VERY unexpected. I didn't believe it myself.

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