Chapter 25

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Derek again was stunned. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. And Riley looked at me. I nod. Chloe begins to cry, but not in the wrong way. She's so glad he came back and forgave her. Or at least she thought she needed forgiving. And she didn't. I understood her side of things like his. She places her right hand over her mouth. And Nods.

"Yes," she says. Noah smiles, putting the ring on her left index finger. And stands up. She stands up, too, wrapping her arms around his neck. He hugged her tight. Derek looked down at me.

"This was the reason they fought," he asked. I filled him in on what happened and what I said. And he nodded.

"Well, I can't say I didn't see this coming," he said. I barely tapped his torso with my hand and told him to follow me.

Both of us hugged them both. The ring was so breathtaking. It was a straightforward diamond with a rose gold band. She was always extra, so it made sense that her ring was too. Derek guy hugged Noah and then hugged Chloe. He had only known them briefly, but it felt like he did.

After congratulations were given, the couple ran upstairs to spend time together. It seemed like the couple had yet to spend any time together. Riley and Matthew especially. Derek and I weren't considered a couple. We kissed several times and told each other we loved each other but didn't label ourselves. I didn't mind, but I hoped we would after this fight.

Derek and I cleaned the kitchen and then headed to his room, where I dressed in my pajamas. Dani and Wesley took the first watch. Everyone pulled their weight, though. A few cooked dinner while the others would stand watch. We didn't think we would need an escape plan because no one would guess we would be hiding here in all places. It wasn't listed under anyone's real name. Derek used an alias anytime he bought anything or stayed anywhere.

"So I have to ask, how long have Chloe and Noah been together," he asks, helping me roll the bed down.

"Well, they met in college, and soon after, they started casually dating and made it official not long after; they've been together going on two years, but they've known each other also for a couple of years before, same with Riley, she met Matt in the first year of college. And I was friends with him for a year, and then they decided to date," I said. Simplifying it for him. And because I didn't want to go into detail about my sister's love life.

"So Noah lives with you and your sisters, and Matt lives on campus?"

"Yep, Noah moved a few weeks ago, and Matthew and Riley just started using the L word," I said. He nods, understanding what I mean.

It was fun talking casually with him but not about my sister's love life. I didn't care to tell him how long everyone had been together but if anything more were asked, it would be up to the girls to answer.  He took his shirt off and climbed into the bed. I climbed in after. Snuggling up to him. He was warm and smelled sweet.

"So, a few more days and we will be heading into the lion's den, and I was thinking I would take over training with you and give Dani to Riley or vice Versa," he said. I looked up, biting my lip for a moment.

"You are scared of Riley, aren't you," I asked. His eyes widen.

"She is scary; I mean, she was giving me a hard time out there, and that attitude, it's like a demon," he said, laughing. I laughed, too.

"I know; I have lived with her alone for six years; she's psycho sometimes," I laughed.  He rubbed my arm.

"You said Riley had shut down last night; what did you mean," he asked. I sat up, leaning against the bed frame. And looked down, Derek sat up too.

"When mom and dad abandoned them, there were no phone calls. It had been a year, and she completely stopped talking to anyone. I didn't realize how bad it was until I got a call from school; she was sleeping in class even though she was facing them, and she slept a long time during lessons; it got to the point where they put her on meds, to help her sleep," I said. He grabs my hand. And I continue.

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