Chapter 10

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I stood in the hall, looking at his door and wondering what he meant by "everything."  It seemed like I said something wrong, but I didn't know what. Was he still mad about the toast? He seemed fine. What was I going to do? Maybe go to the library, sleep in the chair, or roam the halls looking for a room. Wesley spotted me as he was only a few feet away. I didn't want to talk to him because I was confused, so he gave me some space.

He walked behind me while I walked around the villa. Since he didn't care if I was guarded, it didn't matter if I was outside with just Wesley. And if it did matter, I didn't care. He was a real piece of work. He Kidnaps us, then gets mad at me and kicks me out of his room, which I had only been in for close to a week. So, who was the crazy one? Seemed like he had problems.

I stayed six feet away from Wesley, trying to come to terms with this. Do you think I should have said anything? Is this payback for the toast? He's just playing me, right? In the morning, he would be okay. I was sure of it. This is his way of getting back at me. I turned to face Wesley; he stopped in his tracks.

"Wesley, I was just thrown out of my cell, out of his room, and I have no idea where to go," I said. He sighs.

"You can sleep in his study," he said. He had a sofa in his study. I had just remembered that.

"Sure, I'll take anything at this rate," I said.

I followed Wesley into the study, where all the lights had been off. He turned a lamp on, grabbing a blanket from the closet. And handed it to me. I felt a sense of relief. He was a big help. And unlike Derek, he didn't tell me to go anywhere but near him. I was so mad at Derek. I was angry before, but this was icing on the cake. And if sprinkles come in, I will explode.

"Well, sleep well, I'll be right outside," he said. I nod to him. And I lay on the sofa. Covering myself.  Eventually, I drifted asleep.

-The following day, things were still the same. Derek didn't show up to breakfast and had hardly any guards. I told my sisters what had happened, and they couldn't believe it. It was a prank to get back at me; I did something that upset him. This made a week that we had been here. I missed the award ceremony. And now I wouldn't be celebrated. And it didn't get better. Not only did Derek kick me out, but he avoided me at all costs. Skipping dinner and breakfast for the next three days. He was trying his hardest to stay away.

Wesley had finally had a couple of guards to go into town and grab us some clothes. We only needed 2-3, but we got four outfits each. Knowing our style was a plus, but only because Wesley asked us. So he had them pick me some skinny jeans, solid-color shirts, and a couple of style tops in lavender and maroon. And they picked up some more Shorts for Riley and flannel shirt sleeves. Chloe received dresses mostly and a pants outfit. It was pink and sparkly. They must've had help because they did so well for her. And the boys got another pair of jeans, a couple of shorts, and solid color shirts. But at least we had more clothes.

I stayed in Derek's study and had been there for three days. Wesley stayed with me one night, sitting in the chair. But he, too, dosed off. He barely slept as it was, so when he finally went to sleep tonight, I covered him up and let him rest. I searched the study while he was sleeping when I found a name on a book. 'Lee Perez.' That name sounded familiar. I felt like I had worked a case against him, for him, or heard it.

I continued researching the office for clues about who was behind this masquerade. I opened files in the filing cabinet. And Lee's name stood out again. But this time, it was an article about Lee and his family. He had a sister and one brother; his parents were big crime lords. They were taken from the home when he was 12 years old, and his sister, 10, and brother, 8, were back in 1984. He would be 47 years old now. And I had a thought. If Lee followed in his father's footsteps, maybe he was behind this whole thing, and maybe the cure was for his brother or sister. Or himself.

Another article caught my attention. The headline was Lee and his siblings, adopted together. Shortly after, his brother passed away from a disease he had not heard of. It attacked his blood cells, white and red, and ate them, shutting down his immune system and destroying his pancreas. That isn't very good. I couldn't deal with that. I would have gone insane or turned into a criminal. Maybe the sister also had the rare disease and needed a cure or Lee. And then I found a number. Some numbers didn't have a name, but it was in the file. And I had an idea. I moved closer to the phone. It was still plugged in. And working. So I moved closer until I was standing right beside it. And picked it up. And I dialed the number.

It rang three times before someone finally picked up. And the voice that picked up didn't sound familiar at all.

"Yeah," he said. I continued to stay on the phone until he finally spoke again.

"Sanchez is that you," he said. I quickly hung up. I didn't recognize the voice. Whoever it was, he sounded Latino American. Not too old either.

The phone didn't ring after that. I figured he would call him back. But he probably thought it was a fluke call.  I placed the paper in my pocket and moved to the sofa. Wesley was still sleeping. So I laid down and decided to get some rest. But before I fell asleep, I heard footsteps outside the study. I thought maybe it was Derek. Perhaps I could catch him and see why he was avoiding me.

So, slowly walking towards the door, I opened it, barely making any noise.  But I couldn't see anyone there. So, like a dumb blonde, I walk out into the hall, thinking maybe someone would show themselves. And then I followed the footsteps into the corridor. And into the kitchen. But the footsteps stopped, and no one was there.

This needed to be clarified. I was confused and could have sworn I heard footsteps leading to the kitchen. But no one was there. So I walked out into the corridor, noticing someone standing at the entrance I was supposed to enter. But the person needed to be more familiar. I've seen every guard here, and this guy looked different from a guard. It was dark, and I wasn't about to stand alone in the corridor.

I turned to walk in the opposite direction, and I saw someone else I didn't recognize from the other direction. It looked like both of them were blocking the entrances. I couldn't get in. My instinct said these guys weren't part of Derek's crew. And boy, was I right. I start backing back into the kitchen again. Making sure both of these strangers weren't looking. I went to the kitchen entrance, but I was grabbed from behind. I start fighting, but I hear a familiar voice behind me.

"Hush, we have unwanted visitors."

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