Chapter 29

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Did she say it busted open? Was that bad? I wasn't a doctor. I didn't know what that meant. But I'm assuming it was bleeding or draining, at least. Dani looks at Chloe. They didn't look too concerned after examining the place on my leg. Maybe it wasn't a bad thing to have one bust; as I said, I didn't know.

"The hematoma busted; that's good, right?" Dani asked. Chloe shrugged.

"Potentially yes, but this opened her leg up look," Chloe said. Dani sighed. Swiping her hand over her head. Derek looked between both of them.

"Well, what can you do?" He asks.

"Stitch her back up for starters, give her some antibiotics in case it tries to get infected, and ibuprofen, that's the best we can do. We will need to wrap it, though," Chloe said. I nod. Derek grabs Chloe aside. Chloe was in shock that it wasn't Dani this time.

"Sedated again? Chloe, it's too much. I'm not a doctor, but she's been sedated so much. Is there anything you can do that could numb her leg?" He asks. She sighs.

"Yes, but a wound this big will wear off before we are done; if she wants to do that, then fine, but I can put her out for a few minutes, and it won't hurt her, not with just a little bit," she said. He runs his hands over his face and places them on his hip line. And he looks at me.

"Look, I don't care what happens; just make the pain stop, please," I pleaded.

"Okay, what if we use the numbing medicine for the first few minutes and then sedate her for the Remainder," he asks. Chloe nods to him.

"That will work, actually," she said.

Chloe prepared for yet another procedure. She was getting tired of having to stitch me up and fix me. But hopefully, this time, it was permanent and would begin the healing process. Riley and Derek were on either side of me. Waiting for Chloe to start. Dani helped her again.

Chloe didn't take long to sew half of my leg back together. After she did that, I went under for the remainder. Being sedated wasn't fun, but it was needed. I was tolerant of pain. I wondered how much I had gone through in just a month. I had been kidnapped, pushed to my knees, shot at, wanted by the FBI, shot with fake bullets, attacked by a wolf, stitched three different times, and I was over this. I tried to rest and take a few days' break with no pain or hurt.

I woke up with a pounding headache after the effects of the sedation. Chloe was making sure my temperature and vitals were okay. Too bad we didn't have everything we needed. She nodded to Derek, who was sitting beside me on the bed. I am barely able to keep up with anyone because I'm still groggy from the medicine. But my leg wasn't in pain. It felt sore from the stitches, but it was okay. I was able to bear it. Dani brought me a warm towel to lay under my leg, a healing mechanism. Heat would help loosen the muscles. And help the blood flow.

Chloe and Dani checked on me every few minutes for at least two hours. Derek barely spoke a word. He was probably worried about me, so he shut down. He did that often. Riley and Matt were in the living room waiting for Chloe to tell them they could come in. Once she told them it was okay, they came in smiling. Derek had gotten up to let them sit down with me. He excused himself to the kitchen to fix some dinner.

"So, are you okay this time," Riley asks. I nod.

"Just tired from being sedated, my leg is fine, it's just sore," I said. She smiles, and so does Matt.

"Listen, Chloe did great on you. She and Dani made sure you were stitched so well, and Dani wrapped your leg so that the compression would keep you from getting another," Matt said. I nod to him. He grins and looks at Riley. She smiles at him, nodding.

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