Chapter 41

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Did he say what I think I heard? He might have to take a bullet for me. I thought he was joking at first until he looked at me, and there was no smile. I wouldn't say I liked the sound of that. I'm Fact, my skin crawled at the sound of it. I didn't want anyone getting killed or hurt. It seemed like he didn't care to.


"No, Addison, I'm serious. If it comes down to it, I would take a bullet to keep you safe, and since Faith seems to be protecting you, it may be a win for all of us," he said. I thought about it for a moment. It would give us something Lee wouldn't expect. And it could be just as effective.

"Fine," I said, crossing my arms. He smiles. I was trying to figure out why. He said this was a dangerous mission, one where anyone could die.

"Okay, we will leave at the end of the week," he said. I put my hand up to stop him.

"No, Faith is still hurt; she won't be able to fight anyone with her wound; we need a week," I said. He shook his head.

"No, Addison, we do this part my way; he won't have a chance if we don't wait around; Faith will be fine; she can hold her own; besides, she jumped right off the table in there," he said. I nod, agreeing with one thing.

"Because she was protecting me like you wanted, but she's still my responsibility," I said. He Burroughs his brow. I felt a pang of guilt again for what happened. And I should have, but I was letting it cloud my judgment. 

"Addison, she is protecting you, and she feels connected to you, those hunters; that wasn't your fault; you didn't know they would be after her, and besides, you saved her life; she's going to survive," he said. He was right. But what if they came back looking for her? What if they've been out somewhere just waiting for her to return all this time? If they were, they would be waiting a while. She's safe here.

"Yeah, and if I come upon those hunters, I'll kill them," I said. Derek's eyes widen at my remark.

"Woah, hold on, I know you mean that, and I know you would never forgive yourself for killing another human," he said. And he was probably right. But that made me angrier than anything. If anyone hurt a living animal, especially one as innocent as Faith, I couldn't help my emotional temperament.

"You're right, but they've pissed off the wrong woman, and this woman better not see their faces; if I don't kill them, I'll beat their faces in until they'll wish they could die," I said. He was surprised at my remark. But I didn't care.

I walk back into the cabin, Derek hot on my tail. Faith is lying under the table. Chloe and Noah are petting her until they see me and back away. Riley and Matthew are stuffing their faces with food. Dani and Wesley were talking, and Jake was in the living room on the couch. Faith saw me come in, and she perked up.

Derek didn't stop me from going to her. She seemed so calm. But she would prefer something else to our plan. If she caught Lee trying anything, she could kill him. Wesley was almost her first victim. Not everyone could say they tamed a wild wolf. But wolves weren't just mean and vicious creatures. Whatever happened that night might not have been typical.

After I spent a few more moments with her, I stood up and walked over to the island. Riley handed me a plate with bacon, biscuits, and oats. I took it and grabbed a fork. Matthew gave me a glass of water after I sat at the table. Faith scooted closer to my feet. I ate all the breakfast, even if it wasn't too much.

Dani and Wesley decided to keep Watch together outside. Since finding out about the baby, Dani hadn't been out of Wesley's sight. He wouldn't allow it. I could understand that. But at the same time, anyone else could've protected her. But he was a father to the unborn baby. And she was still too early to change anything.

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