Chapter 30

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A week had gone by. Everyone was great about helping me. I finally was able to get up today. Derek and Chloe helped me with walking. Riley and Matt helped motivate me. Wesley, Dani, and Noah were also supportive. My leg pain was all but gone. A few days later, I was able to cut the stitches and keep my leg wrapped. I was excited for that. I wanted to be normal again. I know living an everyday life was out of the question, but I wanted to try to live a normal life until we took Lee down.

After the stitches came out, I was able to walk entirely. And on my own. I had my leg wrapped so it wouldn't cause any infection or pain. I was excited. I did well. I walked a few steps; Wesley had found a large branch perfect for a walking staff. He trimmed it to perfect height and whittled the week I was in bed. Derek and Chloe were always talking among themselves. Noah and Wesley were always together, training or gathering supplies with Dani. Riley and Matt stayed close to me. We all had our jobs, well, not me. I was injured, but everyone else did. Even if I could walk, I still lost my balance and stumbled. My leg was weak.

Today marked a month of being taken. I've known Derek and Wesley for a month. It felt like a lifetime. But I was almost glad I met them. It would have been better under different circumstances, but I was glad we met. Derek had a good heart, even if he did work for Lee at one time. Being on the force one year and gone the next was complicated and would have been hard on anyone. I could understand why he had to work for someone. But he made good money. It may have been dirty to start, but it was money he didn't kill for. That was on Lee. I knew as an attorney even if Derek killed Lee, it would be self-defense. Derek wouldn't kill him otherwise. But I also knew if I had the chance, I'd take it too.

"Good afternoon," Noah says, walking into the room. I was sitting on the platform in Derek's room. I look over and smile.

"Hey, what's up," I said. He came further inside and asked to sit beside me. I didn't deny it because it was Noah, and I knew him well.

"So, I was just wondering how are you doing or feeling, and please be honest," he said. He was being weirder than usual, which was strange for him.

"I'm okay, no pain; I can walk now, so that's a plus; well, somewhat, are you okay?" I ask. He bows his head. And then looks outside. Everyone had their things going on.

"Chloe and Derek are always talking mostly about you, but I just," he stopped.

"You wanted to feel like you were doing something besides third wheeling," I ask. He nods. I chuckle.

"Yeah, Well, you're welcome to lounge with me. Riley and Matt took the evening off to spend time together; I was going out of my mind," I said. We both laughed. He was a nice guy, and Chloe was lucky she was marrying him.

We talked for at least three hours. He even walked out at one point to grab me dinner that Dani had made. And I ate with Noah. It was nice spending time with my soon-to-be brother-in-law.

He was fun, and he was genuine. He didn't treat me like a patient in a hospital like everyone else. I know they meant well, but they were too worried about me. I kept telling them I was okay, but they acted like I was still on the IV, and that was so painful. Just in general, they gave me headaches. Noah was different. Maybe he knew what 'smothering' truly meant.

"Hey, Noah," I said. He snapped his attention to me.

"Would it be weird to ask for you to stay in here tonight?" I ask. It's better than having everyone smother and smolder me to death. If anyone were going to watch after me, I'd rather he do it. He was taken aback. And frozen.

"I meant to sleep on the platform; I just, everyone has been smothering me, and I know they are worried, but you haven't been that way with me; you treat me like a normal person," I say, spilling my guts. He smiles mostly with his eyes and nods, sitting beside me.

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