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-at the hospital-

harpers pov:

turns out my mom was my nurse, i should be happy that i actually get to see her but im not. sometimes i wonder how it would be if my mom left us too, would we be in a new family? idk. all i know is that she works a lot so she doesn't have time to think about why dad left us. they got along fine infront of us kids, but at night when they all thought we went to bed, they would yell at each other. i think my dad had enough and just left, to make a new family. "harper how did this happen?" my mom said as she was taking x-rays of my leg, "well we were playing against phillip's team, and Lucas pitched a curve-ball right at my shin." I said kinda outta breath, "damnit, i'm sorry but Laura and I will talk to Monica tomorrow, once we get your results back. let her know how her sons have been to ya, wanna come?" My mom said, i was honestly kinda scared to go. I know the 3 moms would go back and forth on all their own kids, but I wanna see how my mom would handle it. "sure, if benny goes i will." I said with a half-fake smile, while my mom looked confused, either really happy about tomorrow or dissapointed in my results. "ok baby, so your fibula is fractured." she said trying not to cry, I stayed quiet and looked at mrs. rodriguez who was crying. 

I stayed silent as my mom wheeled me back into my hospital room, with Laura walking right beside me. they were both crying, so was i. I was just disappointed that I let one of the phillips brothers hurt me, physically and mentally. "mama, I'm getting crutches right?" I said smilin, while thinking of a plan- "yes baby, just until you can put little weight on it. then you get a boot, why?" My mom said worried looking at Laura then me, "ohh imma be there with you 2 tomorrow." I said, imma make Lucas hurt for what he did, and phillips cry for what he said about me. I just need some extra hands- sandlot boys.  

Laura and I got checked out of the hospital about an hour later, and she drove me back to her house. "Ok you can sleep in Benny's room since James will be in Pais's." mrs. rodriguez said smiling, "ughhh can I take the couch?" I said with puppy eyes, "no Benny won't mind." She said laughing, "i will" I muttered under my breath. "what sweetie?" "oh nothing, I'm just excited for tomorrow." I said, thinking about what to tell the boys. 

We got back to her house and I tried to get outta the car but stumbled, luckly the door was there. "oh shit, I hate these things." I said frustrated. "Language please, don't need Pais to repeat that." Laura said whoops little too late.. 

I walked through the front door and Pais came running towards me, I lost my balance and fell on top of Benny. I started laughing, and Laura was helping me up, "thanks for breaking my fall benny-boy." I said patting him on the back. "oh no problem at all," he said while rubbing his side where he hit when I fell on him. whoops hehe. "i'll make ya dinner harper. I told Benny about tomorrow. convince him to go please." mrs. rodriguez said while walking into the kitchen, "so ummm can you come with me? I need the other boys too. I wanna make those boys regret everything they did to me." I said trying not to cry, "ummm I guess I could clear my busy schedule for you this one time." Benny said giving me a pat on the back, which was a mistake because I wasn't leaning on my crutch that time and almost fell over again! im very clumsy, espically on these shitty crutches.

then i hobbled to the kitchen to eat the pasta Laura made me, benny told me what we could do tomorrow, but I wasn't listening because I fell asleep in the middle eating a noodle. I heard a camera pic snap and I jumped choking on the noodle, "benny u little asshole, I couldda died! You better not send that to anyone or i will kill you!" I said as Benny slowly walked away mocking me, and I was trying my best to keep up. but i just ended up flopping on the couch, giving up. "oh the poor baby gave up," Benny said sittin next to me. "you wanna try these bad boys?" I said laughing as he took the crutches from my hands, he started hobbling on them pretty fast. then he slipped on the tile from a sock, and i started laughing. 

after laughing for awhile i was tired so benny carried me up the stairs, like the gentleman he is. and he threw me on his bed. And I yelped in pain as my brace hit the floor, "Shit i'm sorry harper." He said, giving me a hug because I started crying from the pain it brought me. "um do you want some clean clothes to sleep in? i have a shirt you could use, and I have a pair of your shorts you left here from like 3 months ago." He said throwing a shirt at me laughing, "well are you gonna stare at me changing?" I said sarcastically, "umm sorry." he said looking away. I put my shirt on, then went to put my shorts on but then i...

-end of chapter-


ummmmm yea soo this is kinda sad but i have a plot so ik how the next few chapters are gonna be. so yeaaaaa enjoy! 

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