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Benny's pov:
After dinner Harper went home, I have a feeling something is bothering her. Maybe my mom knows?
I went to my ma's room, "Hey ma?" "Yes Benny?" She said, "did Harper say anything was bothering her?" I said. "Um-" she hesitated, "not that I know of. Why?" "Oh I don't know, she seemed sad sitting in the dugout earlier." I said, "maybe she misses playing play with you guys." Ma said, maybe. "She's going to get a walking boot tomorrow, so then she can at least stand better." She continued, "yea I know. She told me earlier." I said, "ok well I'm going to bed, love you ma." "Love you too Benjamin." She said as I walked out of her room, maybe she just feels left out.
I walked back to my room and went to bed.

Harpers pov:
To be honest, I don't know how I feel right now. I mean 2 people just found out my secret, I love Benny but idk how he feel about me, and I have another stupid appt tomorrow. I laid down on my bed a fell asleep pretty quickly.

-Next morning-
I woke up to my mom yelling my name and ripping my sheets off of me, then going to open my blinds. The sun blinded me. "Why am I supposed to be up so damn early?" I said putting a pillow over my face, "young lady you do not use that kind of language when James is home!" Mama snapped back at me, "sorry." I said getting up and heading to my closet. "We have to leave in 15 mins harper. Don't be late." She yelled from the hallway, I picked out an outfit to wear, did my personal stuff, and went downstairs for breakfast. "Here eat an eggo, and get in the car. We are going to be late." Mama said grabbing her purse, and headed out to the car. I slowly followed, i hate the doctors. The car ride was silent but then we finally got to the doctors office, I started to freak out. I just don't like the feeling of the doctors office, I'm not sick or anything. It feels like I need to have something wrong with me- i have diabetes but that's different. I hate when they weigh me and ask different personal questions, I'm not super overweight- but I'm not a twig. And the questions are just weird, especially in front of my mom.
We got to the room for the check up, "so have you tried to out any pressure on it?" The nurse said, "um no. It hurts when I do." I said, "ok. Let's take a look." She replied while taking off the brace, it was just a little swollen. And there was a huge bruise right on my fibula, the bone I slightly fractured. "Ok can you turn it to your left?" I followed her directions and turned it to the left, then doing the same with the right. I winced a little at the right, but she said that would be normal since that's where the bone was fractured. "It looks fine, you need to start putting more pressure on it. Not fully, so we are gonna put you in a boot. But still with 1 crutch. Got it?" The nurse said, "yep." I said as she put the boot on my lower right calf. Yippie, 1 step closer to playing ball. And being normal- well not normal. Normal isn't what I would call myself. Unique, not in a terrible way. Different way. "Ok you are ready to go! I'll see you next week, then we can put full weight on that leg. Bye." Nurse said walking out the room, "let's go get ice cream!" I said looking at my mom, she rolled her eyes. "Come on slow poke." Mama said while helping me off the chair, it felt weird to walk on my leg with little pressure. But like I said- step 1. Baby steps.
Mama paid for the appt and I walked out to the car, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I jumped, then turned around to see.....

-end of chapter-

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