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Visiting Catherine/mama:

I walked into the boring hospital room, definitely could use a make-over. I thought as I looked around the room, then I spotted mama. She looked like she was sleeping so I slowly approached her, "mama? It's me charlotte." I said trying not to cry in front of her. "I know who you are baby, listen no matter what happens you take care of your younger siblings- ok?" I nodded my head, "I understand that it's complicated and not fair but if I don't make it-" she began to say,
"Mama please." I paused. "Don't say that, but yes I will take care of them." I said, she did somewhat of a smile.
"And Charlie, if he's right, you can choose him. I like you two together." Mama said, I gave her a hug.

Then we talked about a few more things, "Cher I'm next." I heard Harper say from the door.
"Ok. Well mama I love you so much, I will never forget you." I said crying even more, "I love you more charlotte."

Cher was taking forever talking to mama, it was finally my turn to see her. I walked into the room trying not to cry- but yet I failed at that and started bawling. "Your ok baby, I'm right here." Mama said as I gave her a hug. "No I'm not." I said, "you aren't either. I mean you are in a hospital bed, I just want it to be normal. Like actually have a normal birthday, I wish you weren't sick." I said, "Harper I know you don't want to hear this, but I think we both know I'm not getting any better. So let me tell you this, mrs Rodriguez will always, always be there for you. Like a second mom, and you don't need to act thought because I know you are. So please just grow up and be the best version of yourself, and stay with Benny. It might be hard in some moments- but you will pull through, just like Cher and Charlie." Mama said, and this time she was crying too.
yeah I knew she wasn't getting any better, but I didn't want anyone to tell me- not even her, herself.
"Well I guess Jess needs to see you, I love you mama. I will never forget you." I said walking out the door.
"Love you my little trouble child." She responded.

I got in Catherine's room, she tried to smile at me. "I can't pretend that I will be ok right now, or whatever happens next." I said, she nodded and pointed to the chair next to her, for me to sit. I sat.
"Jessica I love you, yes exactly like a daughter. You never had a loving parent you remember but I was one, and I always will be. I'm not your real mom but I've always felt like it, your mother loved you and so do I." Catherine said, I tried to smile, then more tears. "Yeah I know, you are my mom. I don't wanna say that but it's true," I said.
"Before your mom died she told me to take care of you, and I think I raised a beautiful, strong woman. So never forget that, not because some stupid boy broke your heart. And beat the shit out of that person that dumps you- because there will be some of those. But remember now you have 2 angels watching over you all the time, 2 angels that love you more than anything." Mama Catherine said, 2 angels. "I don't get it" I said confused, "they told me I wouldn't survive past tomorrow. Visits only tonight." She responded, I cried even more.
I sat there with my mom-figure, crying until Laura came and got me.

"Love you Jess, my actually daughter. Remember 2 angels." She said, I nodded. "I love you more." I responded.

Laura/mrs Rodriguez:

Going into that room where my best friend was, it was challenging. Especially when you know that will be your last time seeing her. Tragic. "Catherine." I said walking towards her, "Laura lay down." She said patting the spot on her bed, I laid next to her. "Laura I knew we would become such good friends since the moment I saw you, you are just a love-able person. That's why I want you to be there for my kids, I know it's hard to see them and not think of mini-me's. But that's ok because I left them for you, just a reminder that I'm still here." Catherine said crying, I was doing the same. We sat there in silence. "keep Benny and Harper on the right track, we knew it would work since they met each other. So please just do me a favor and make that last, Harper doesn't need a broken heart right now. And James- just let him know how much his mommy loves him, let charlotte know that her mom is still watching her walk down the isle from above." She continued, "yes. Yes I will. I will be their mom because you have raised amazing young children, young children that have lost their mom too soon. But no, you are with them- not physically, mentally." I said, she nodded.
"Ah well, I guess this is goodbye." I said giving her a big hug.
"No, no. Until we meet again!" Catherine said giving me another hug.
"Yes love you." I said quickly walking out, I couldn't turn back. I can't let these young kids get broken, no I will be their other mom. Not a replacement, a fill in.


I never was super close with Catherine but there was something between us, like she would take me as her son.
"Benjamin, i can't tell you much, but I hope you never break harpers heart. You might once, but just do it because you guys love each other too much. And help keep the rest of your family and mine in place, you are an amazing young boy. And I hope you make it to a bigger stadium someday, you deserve it." Catherine said, wow.
"Yes I will, I will never break her heart. Also I will keep my mom in place, because she will miss you. Shit we all will!" I said, I think I heard a laugh from her.
"But I will make it big, and I will give you some beautiful grandchildren someday." I said, hoping that wasn't too much.
"I bet you will benjamin, and tell the sandlot boys I loved all them. Even though they were a pain in the ass, I truly did."
I nodded, "well I hope you enjoy your life. I love you my future son-in-law." Catherine said with a smile.
I started to cry, she made me cry. Wow.

James: (from 3rd view point I think)
"Mommy" James said running toward his mother, "James." "Mommy are you ok?" The confused little boy said,
"Well James. Mommy won't be here when you wake up tomorrow, or any other day." Catherine said crying, James's face shattered. "W-What? Why not?" He asked, "I'm sick and my body can't keep me alive anymore. So you will have Cher, Harper, Benny, Paislee, Charlie, and Mrs Rodrigues looking after you. Because mommy isn't gonna be here, you won't see me again." She said with the saddest face ever, I mean to explain to a 6 year old what death is. Isn't fun, epically coming from the person he won't see again. "Oh ok mommy. If that's what you say." James said, "James listen. I love you, so please be a good young boy growing up. Ok I don't want you to be bad?" His mom said, James nodded.

"I love you James, be a good boy while mommy is gone." Catherine's last words to James were,
"Love you more mommy." Her son said giving her a kiss on the cheek, then leaving.


I walked into mrs Adams room, it was very boring color. "Hey auntie." I said with a sad tone,
"Hello Paislee. You gonna hang in there?" She asked me, I shook my head. "No I don't think so."
"Well listen you are a little girl, but you will grow up and be very strong. No matter what you have a big brother and you have 2 older sisters too. But don't forget, there's James too. You have to be a good big sister to him, he looks up to you."
Auntie said, "really? He does?" I asked, "yes James loves you and he is going to need your help sometimes, so you should be there for him." I nodded, "yes I will be a good sissy to him."
"Ok good well Paislee I love you so much little munchkin." Auntie said giving me a kiss on the cheek,
"Love you too auntie, by the way, your my favorite." I said walking out of the room towards my mom, then I cried.

3rd person view:
That whole visiting room was silent, you could only hear the sniffles coming from mrs Catherine Adams loves ones.
Oh what will they do without her?

-end of chapter-

Omg I'm so sorry for this chapter, I was crying writing this. I'm so sorry if you have ever gone thru this before, I know what it's like. It's genuinely the worst feeling ever, but again I'm sorry for this sad chapter.
I'm only prolly gonna do 1 more chapter or so. And then I will write the sequel to this book! :)

Anyways thanks for all the views :)

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