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harpers pov:

I woke up around 8, thinking about what happened last night. i guess 4th of july is magical. Cher came into my room. "hey lover boy is gonna be late to the sandlot. he has to go to the market for laura. he wanted you to know that." she said, "thanks cher." I said. "soo how was your first kiss!?!" she said squealing. ugh not this. "um it was in the middle of the sandot last night, under the fireworks. that's all." I said putting a tight-fitting tank top on with jean shorts. "thats all?" cher said shocked. "yes cher, now leave me alone im going to the sandlot." I said grabbing my phone and walking out into the hallway. "ill drive you, im going to work anyways." she said happily, "whatever." I said struggling down the stairs, then got into the car. 

we got to the sandlot safely, cher's driving didn't kill me. I walked to the dugout where everyone except benny was, "benny's gonna be late. he went to the market." I said then all the boys went towards the diamond, except ham. he was staring at my tanktop, right where my pump was. shoot, he can see it sticking out. shoudln't have worn this shirt today... I looked at ham and flipped him off, he stuck his tongue out at me. and then he jogged towards home plate to be catcher. then i went to look at instagram. after about 20 mins of watching the boys play and looking at my phone, i felt someone kiss my cheek, i jumped. I turned my head ready to slap that person but i saw benny standing there with a huge smirk on his face, i lowered my hand and yelled at him quietly. "benny what the heck! what if the boys saw?" I said, "so? i dont care what they think, your mine." he said with a smile, I blushed at the fact he called me his. 

the boys finally looked over at me and saw benny, they all rushed over. "benny man, you took forever. smalls hit a home-run, it went clear over the fence." kenny said, "yeah-yeah how long you been here?" yeah-yeah said, "i got here like 5 mins ago" benny said, "were you too busy with harper right here to come play ball with your buddie?" squints said, i narrowed my eyes at him. "no i was just asking-" he paused. "when i get to play ball again. I have an appt today for my brace to come off and get a walking boot. it was a short time because it was only a small fracture." I finished, "ohh sounds good." bertram said, "we need you back." timmy said, "we miss playing with you." tommy said. I smiled. Then all the boys went back to playing ball, benny joining them. After a few more hours they took a break, and the timmon's mom brought us sandwich's for lunch. then they went back to playing ball. then it started to get dark, so everyone went home for dinner. 

"wanna eat dinner with us?" benny asked me. "um sure. my mom's at work as usual" I said kinda disappointed, "aw that sucks, well you can come see your second family." he said, i laughed then we walked thru the front door. paislee ran and gave me a hug, "harper! I helped make dinner. want some?" she said, "oh pro chef! sure." I said giggling as she pulled me to the kitchen with benny following. "oh hey harper! i didn't know you were coming." Laura said pulling me into a hug, "yea my mom's at work." i said sitting at the dinner table, "ok well we are having chicken enchiladas, you can have some." she said putting all the plates out, "ok thanks." i said, looking at benny laughing. "ma do you love harper more than me?" he said laughing while giving his mom a hug, she slapped him silly. after we ate, i thanked mrs rodriguez for dinner, said bye to pais, and quickly kissed benny night. 

I didn't want to go home, so I went to the sandlot. The sandlot is a place I go to sometimes just to think when I dont wanna go home. I sat in the dugout thinking about how much i missed playing ball because of my leg. then I heard an alert going off on my phone, diabetes. blood sugar dropped. I ignored it. I heard someone laughing from the treehouse, weird. I looked up and saw ham and kenny climbing down the ladder. "oh sorry guys, i didn't know yall were here." I said turned the other way to walk home. "wait!" i heard ham say, i stopped and walked towards them. "what was that alert?" he said, "yea i've hear it all the time." kenny joined in. "um it's nothing, just instagram." I said turning red, luckly it was dark so they couldn't see. "no, you always look scared when you get it," kenny said. then ham snatched my phone from my hands and saw a notification from my diabetes tracking app. "what's this?" ham said shocked, showing kenny the notification. "ham stop it" i said snatching my phone back, with tears forming. "wait-" he paused. "you have diabetes?" ham sad confused. "um" i breathed heavy. "yea" i said with tears coming down my face, "what's wrong with that?" kenny said, "it's where my body doesn't produce enough glucose for me to live. it's type 1, no cure. I'm stuck with it for the rest of my life." i said. they stared at me, "no i know what it is, why is that embarrassing tho?" ham said, "well i don't want people to think i have a disease. and i can't control it." i said quietly. "ok, that's not your fault tho." kenny said. 

they asked me a few more questions, but i was getting tired so i said i had to go. "no one, i mean NO ONE! can hear about this! got it?" I said staring at each of them, "yes ma'am" they both said, "ok see yall tomorrow." I said, they waved. 

now 2 more people know my secret, they better not spill. 

-end of chapter- 

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