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Harpers pov:

About 7 minutes later, I saw blurred blue and red lights.
People rushed in the door with uniforms on.
"Ma'am How is she related to you?" I heard someone say, "my mom." I responded.
"Ok she will be fine. We are taking her to the hospital, this nurse will stay with you right now." I heard a man say as he loaded mama on the stretcher. I could only nod my head, again.

How come every time we get home, it's like she's just waiting there for us. Like we shouldn't have gone in the first place, she needed us when we were there.

I heard the sirens go the opposite way and then sat on the couch, the nurse was right there with us. But it was still awkward. I finally picked my head up after about 10 minutes of processing what happened,

"hey sweetie don't worry it's just me. I'm nurse Gonzales, I think I was with you last time this happened. I'm sorry it happened again." She said sitting next to me, I nodded and looked around the room to see Jess sitting on the floor all curled up.
This is probably hard for her, I mean yeah it's already happened. But last time we didn't know she had cancer, what if this effects it more?

I closed my puffy, tearful eyes and then silence.

Jess's pov:

Last time we went somewhere, Harper and I found Catherine unconscious laying there. This time was the same all over again- well Harper didn't pass out again. But I have a feeling this one will be worse, I mean last time she didn't have cancer. Or she didn't start chemo, maybe it will effect her this time around.

I laid on the floor crying and thinking about almost everything that could go wrong. the same nurse that was with us last time, was with us again. She said something to Harper and she nodded, she seems nice but I'm not in the mood to talk.

The doorbell rang about 10 minutes later, I opened the door to see the Rodriguez's family standing there- smiling.
"Jess what's wrong?" I heard one of them say, "um well." I choked on some tears, mrs Rodriguez came and gave me a hug. The rest of them came in. "Well we came home from Vincent's and then we found Catherine laying here unconscious." I said in the kitchen, "oh my gosh. That's terrible, she's at the hospital?" Laura asked, I nodded.

"Ok we will stay with y'all until we know she's ok." Laura said walking towards the living room.
Benny took one look at Harper hidden on the couch, I could actually see his heart shatter from the sight of his girlfriend broken. We all sat down and then Harper woke up about 5 minutes after I explained the whole thing.

"It's a dream right?" Was the first thing Harper said, "I'm sorry." I mouthed making her cry even more, now Benny comforted her since the nurse and Laura were talking. James was sitting on my lap crying, He was my little comfort buddy. "Mommy is gonna be ok right?" He asked with his little eyes full of fear, "I'm not sure buddy." I replied, with more tears coming down my cheeks. Paislee stood right next to her mom, she understood what was happening.

I'm guessing it was around 11pm when we were able to go visit Catherine, Cher got the call and came home.
"This is fucking RETARTED!" she yelled throwing her purse on the floor then screamed, I was actually scared.
"Come on let's go kids." Laura said getting us into her car, we were squished but it's ok.

At the hospital.

We finally arrived and then waited until we could see mrs Adams. Luckily everyone had a buddy to cry with: Benny and Harper, James and I, Laura and nurse Gonzales, then Cher and Pais. The waiting room was silent, well except for the sniffles we could hear. After a long time of waiting, nurse Gonzales went to check on Catherine. James was asleep on the chair next to me, and the rest were also asleep. All but me and Laura, I went and sat by her.

"What if-" I began to say, "no don't think that." Mrs Rodriguez cut me off, I just stared at her glossy eyes. Then I laid my head down on her lap as she comforted me, by rubbing my back. 

I guess I fell asleep since someone said, "ok you guys can visit her. Only 1 at a time tho." Someone shook me and I woke up. "Ok Jess you can see her after Harper," Laura said, I nodded.

Visiting Catherine/mama.

-end of chapter-

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