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Harpers pov:
After all that happened, Cher came and ruined the moment.
"So what was goin on out there?" Cher asked me, "nothing. Now I'm going to bed." I said walking upstairs, "nooo I wanna know, I couldn't hear y'all." She begged, "would you not spy on us! I don't snoop and Charlie." I snapped.
"That's different!" She yelled, "no it's really not. Leave, I'm going to bed CHARLOTTE." I said closing my door on her face, "oh don't you DARE call me that!" Cher said acting tough, but then she walked away huffing.

Whatever, she's a bit dramatic. Jk she's a lot!
I showered then went to bed.

-next morning-
Benny's pov:

"Hey guys." I said walking to the bus stop, all the boys were standing there. "What." Squints said.
"Um I made up with Harper." I said, their faces all lit up. "Ahh good job, we knew ya would figure it out." Ham said slapping my back. "Yeah-yeah here she is right now." Yeah-yeah said pointing to Harper who jumped on my back.

"Heyyy benny, how'd ya sleep?" She said getting off my back because the bus was here. "Great." I said she smiled.
"Did you hear that amber and her group got suspended for a day?! Now we can have some peace, we'll just for a day." Harper said grinning from ear to ear, "that's cool." I said, it still felt awkward to talk about amber in front of her.

The bus arrived at school and we all got out and headed towards our lockers. The bell rang so the school day started.

-skip to lunch time-
Harpers pov:
At lunch we all sat down at our usual table. Jess was here but only for half the lunch period because she had after school and lunch detention for 3 days. "Jess I think that kid jaxon likes you." I said nodding towards the table where he was sitting, Jess turned around and met his eyes. "Oh my god, he looked at me!" She said, her face was burning red.
"Ew I heard that kid got expelled from his old school." Ham said, "is someone jealous?" Denunez said, ham slapped him.

"Hell nah, I would rather puke than go out with Jess." He said, "no Hamilton I remember last year at the carnival you did puke. ALL OVER ME!" Jess yelled poking hams forehead, "well that was Bertram's fault." He said blaming it on Bertram. "No, ur the jerk who doesn't know how to chew!" He yelled back at ham, "none of you fools do! I remember you all were puking." Benny said, "I was the only responsible one." He continued, "ahem." I said. "No harper you force me to stay back with you AGAIN, because you don't like heights that spin." Benny said, I pretend to be hurt.
"Oh I would never!" I said slapping him across the shoulder, then soon everyone at that table was yelling or hitting each other.

"WAIT GUYS!" smalls said, we all looked at him. "What?" We said.
"We should ditch, I heard there was a new pool opening today." He said less loudly.
"Are you sure it isn't the one our amazing friend SQUINTS got us kicked out of!" Jess spat, Squints rolled his eyes.
"Nah my step-dad saw it in the paper, it's about 15 minutes away if we walk." Smalls said, we all complained.
"In the heat!" "Your crazy man." "Did you fall out of the tree like yeah-yeah over here?" I said, the boys laughed.
"That was your guys fault!" Yeah-yeah said, "yeah but it was funny." Squints said pushing him.

"Ok what are we waiting for? Let's meet at Harpers front lawn in 10." Denunez said. We all agreed.

Benny and I walked home together, we both went to change.
I put on a blue bikini top and some black bottoms, then took a shirt that was Benny's as a cover up.
And went outside to see that Benny was waiting, "that's where that shirt went!" He said, "I think I look good."
"Oh yes you do." He said smirking, soon the boys were all here and we started to walk to the pool.

Benny's pov:
We got to the pool and saw that is was kinda busy, so we paid for the entrance and then put our stuff down.
"Hey isn't that Cher over there?" I said walking towards Harper, then pointed to the lifeguard chair.
"What the hell is she doing as a lifeguard? I thought she was at the diner." She said walking towards Cher.
All the boys were checking Cher out, probably not know that was harpers older sister.
"She's hot." "She's way to old for you, more like me." "Um guys." I said, "No Benny I called her first, besides you have Harper."

I started laughing hearing all the boys's remarks about Cher. Yeah-yeah noticed then realized,
"No ham u idiot look! That's Cher, you know harpers sister?" Yeah-yeah said, the boys went quiet.
Kenny started laughing, "Ham that's messed up." "Sorry I didn't know?" He said.
"You didn't notice Harper standing and talking with her?" I asked him. "No I don't notice your girlfriend everywhere!" Ham said, I slapped him giving him the 'you know what I mean look'.

Then Harper came back and we all went into the pool.
Oh great. Trouble is coming. I thought as I turned my head towards the entrance.

"Awww man!" Squints said as we all turned to see.....

-end of chapter-

Also thanks y'all for reading my book. :)

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