Chapter 6: World of Gods and Monsters

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One week after the USJ attack

Somewhere in Hell's Kitchen

New York City, United States

Y/N was thrown out a wall of a burning building into the busy street, followed by a large man on fire.

Y/N was thrown out a wall of a burning building into the busy street, followed by a large man on fire

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Y/N: Goddamn! Why won't you just stay down!?

He then conjures up the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak and restrains the Man on Fire. Before casting the Winds of Watoomb, sending the flaming man across the street.

Y/N: HA! Take that, you flaming pile of crap! 

The Man on Fire then break free of the binding and slowly walked toward him, Y/N then had an idea as he spotted a dumpster.

Y/N: Speaking of crap...

He then summons the Talons of Farallah, a pair of large purple-clawed hands. He then uses it to lift the dumpster and throw it right at him. Unfortunately, the Man on Fire absorbs the entire dumpster and charges up an attack. Y/N then turns back to see two children behind a car next to him.

Y/N: Oh shit, not good.

The Man on Fire then shoots out countless projectiles in Y/N's direction, but luckily, Y/N has managed to conjure up the Shield of the Seraphim, a spell that creates a large barrier around the caster. When the dust has settled, only the area Y/N cast the shield on isn't on fire.

Y/N: Okay, kids! Now is a good time to run!

???: I got this!

Suddenly someone swings in and grabs the kids and put them in a safer place, that hero is the Friendly Neighborhood...

Y/N: Spider-Man!

Spider-Man: Had a problem with the Barbecue Man over there?

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Spider-Man: Had a problem with the Barbecue Man over there?

Y/N: Yeah! I throw everything at him and he's still coming!

Spider-Man: Have you tried water?

Y/N: No? 

Spider-Man: Okay, I got an idea! Y/N, try to distract him as long as you can, okay?

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