Chapter 21: The Rescue

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Midoriya: All Might said, "I can't save the people I can't reach." That's why he will always save those he can reach. I... was in a place where I could reach... I have to him... That's what my quirk is for... 

Midoriya then starts to cry uncontrollably.

Midoriya: My Body... wouldn't move... It was all I could do to save Kota... I couldn't save someone right in front of me...

Kirishima: Well then, let's save him this time.

Ida: Hey! We should just leave it to the pros! This isn't a place for you to act, you idiots!

Kirishima: We know that! But, I couldn't do anything! After I heard that my friend was being targeted! I couldn't do anything! I didn't do anything! If I don't do anything now, I won't be a hero or a man anymore!

He then reaches his hand out to Midoriya, which is funny since both of Midoriya's arms are broken.

Kirishima: Hey, Midoriya, your hand can still reach me! We can go save him!

A few minutes later

Ashido: So, let me get this straight. You're want to get the tracker from Yao-momo, follow it, and save Y/N by yourselves?

Kirishima: That's right.

Todoroki: The villains' objective was to kill us, but they took Y/N without killing him. But we're not sure they'll let him live.

Bakugou: Of course, they aren't gonna let him live! He's too dangerous for them to be left alive.

Ashido: Bakugou!

Bakugou: I'm sorry! Bitch...

Todoroki: So that's why Kirishima and I'll go.

Ida: Enough messing around!

Shoji: Wait. Calm down. I understand Kirishima's frustration because he can't do anything and Todoroki's frustration because he can't help him. I'm frustrated as well. But we shouldn't act on emotions. Right?

Aoyama: Um. We should just leave this to All Might. Mr. Aizawa only permitted us to fight and use quirks at the training camp.

Tokoyami: Aoyama is correct. Though, I'm part of the reason we failed. So, I can't talk.

Kirishima: You guys!

Tsu: Listen. We're all shocked that Y/N was taken from us. But we have to be rational. It doesn't matter how noble your intentions are. If you go out there trying to find the bad guys, knowing you're breaking the rules, you act like villains, not heroes.

The room is then silent as everyone in the room contemplates if they should risk saving Y/N by themselves. only when a doctor enters the room. Which causes Aoyama to get scared a little.

Doctor: Sorry for interrupting you guys. But I need a moment alone with Midoriya.

Sero: Sure. Let's bolt. I wanna see how Jiro and Hagakure are doin'.

Ojiro: Good idea.

Uraraka: Yeah, okay. Feel better, Deku.

Midoriya: Thank you for visiting me.

When most of the class left, Kirishima then approaches Midoriya.

Kirishima: We talks to Yaoyorozu yesterday. If we go, we go right away. Tonight. Since you were seriously injured, I don't know if you can move, but we still want to ask if you wanna join since you're probably the most pissed off of us all. We'll still be waiting for you tonight at the entrance if you want to come.

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