Chapter 11: The Internship

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Y/N: M-Mrs. Wanda?! Why are you here?! What are you doing here?!

Wanda: Oh sweetie, I heard you need a pro hero to intern with. So I decided to pay you a visit.

Y/N: Oh, wow... 

Aizawa: Well, it looks like I should be somewhere else.

Aizawa then leaves the two magic users alone.

Y/N: Soo... It has been a while. How are Billy and Tommy?

Wanda: Oh, they're good kids. They're studying at Avengers Academy, speaking of which... Why are you studying here?

Y/N: Well... Master Strange thinks that sending me here would make me safer from the bad guys from the stateside.

Wanda: Yeah, until the...  What was their name again?

Y/N: The League of Villains?

Wanda: Oh, the League of Villains. Anyway, how do you feel about UA?

Y/N: It was okay... The teachers were all right, classes were not too stressful. But the students? Weird as hell. I mean, one of the guys in class has sticky balls on his head that he can rip out and throw at people.

Wanda: Wow... poor guy. Anyway, the internship's gonna start in a few days. Get some rest, Y/N. You earn it.

Y/N: Thank you.

A few days later

Day 1 of the internship

Some random rooftop in Musutafu

Y/N walks out of a portal to the roof of a building where Wanda is meditating.

Y/N: So... Can we start yet? Hello...?

Wanda: I can hear you, Y/N.

Y/N: Oh right, you're meditating. Anyway, what are we gonna do? Patrol the street? Maybe I can use the Eye of Agamotto to see when and where any major crimes will happen.

Wanda: I don't think that's a good idea Y/N... Using it too much can cause you to go insane.

Y/N: But what if someone's gonna blow up a hospital or a train's about to be derailed? We could save lives before anything bad could happen!

Wanda: Fine. But don't go overboard okay?

Y/N: Fine...

He then activated the Eye and used it to see when and where major crimes would happen.

Y/N: Bank heist, 10 minutes from now. 

Wanda: Let's go.


Inside some random van

3 guys in clown masks are in the van, all armed with automatic weapons and body armor. It was obvious that they were bank robbers.

Robber 1: Three of a kind, let's do this.

Robber 2: That's it? 3 guys?

Robber 1: 2 guys on the roof. Every guy gets a share. 5 shares are plenty!

Robber 2: 6 Shares. Don't forget the guy who planned the job.

Robber 1: He thinks he can sit it out and still take a slice?

Robber 2: I know why they call him the Joker.

Suddenly, Y/N jumped down from a portal and landed on a seat next to the third robber.

Y/N: ¡Hola! Mi nombre es Doctor Strange. ¡Y será mejor que te abroches el cinturón! (Translate: Hello! My name is Doctor Strange. And you better buckle your seatbelt!) 

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