Crossover Part 2: The Hunt for the Darkhold

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Both Y/N: Oh shit.

Ambrose: Shit indeed. 

Red Y/N: Are you saying that it's my fault that both of our universes' are about to collapse with each other?

Hilda: If you are visualizing like that, then yes. However, the time was slowed because of what you two did in San Francisco, sealing that tear of reality and a portal to his world.

Zelda: I suggest you two leave right now. You'll have a lot of work to do.

Sabrina: Aunt Zelda's right. If this is a very urgent situation, then you two should go ahead. The clock is ticking you know?

Red already stood up and was about to move to the front door when Blue suddenly remembered one thing. The original Y/N, seeing his variant's uneasy expression, halted as well.

Blue Y/N: Hold on, can you guys help me with one thing?

Hilda: Sure, a friend of Y/N is a friend of us.

The Y/Ns then gave the 'really' stare at the younger Spellman sisters.

Blue Y/N: You do realize that I am Y/N, right?

Hilda: Oh, sorry. What do you need our help for?

He steps forward and pulls out his necklace that is hidden inside of his robes. It was a small scarlet crystal necklace, with a black string. The Spellmans observe the little gem and notice a small person sleeping inside of it.

Blue Y/N: Can you help her?

The Spellman sisters shared a single look of dread before their faces suddenly shifted into a serious one. 

Sabrina: It looks like a coffin... Is sh-

Blue Y/N: She. Is. Not. Dead.

He was slightly insulted at the word, glaring at the teenage witch. But then in an instant, he recomposed himself with a short apology. 

Blue Y/N: S-Sorry...

Zelda: We understand your pain, dear. Don't worry. We will do our best to help you and your friend.

A few moments later, everyone is in the embalming room in the basement of the mortuary. The crystal is lying down on the embalming table. Sabrina and her family all see the girl sleeping inside the crystal. A red-haired, golden armor-plated girl as her hands are placed gently on her stomach. What piqued their curiosity was the lone arrow stuck in her chest, also encased in a layer of crystal.

Sabrina: Interesting, how long has she been in this state again?

Blue Y/N: Days? Weeks? I don't know exactly... But I do know that I encased her inside that crystal, seconds before she could literally die.

Seeing the confused look on their faces, L/N then decided to tell them the story of how Pyrrha ended up in this situation.

Ambrose: Interesting, it seems that whatever spell you put on her seems to delay her inevitable death-

Red Y/N: Hey!

Blue Y/N: It's okay for me. It's better to hear the truth than lies.

Ambrose: I'm not done yet, L/N. If you were late or not in the exact time to cast that spell, she could die. However... if you choose to delay this, she will die."

Blue Y/N: Couldn't you guys just heal her? Rewind her wounds? Anything?!

Sabrina: My aunties and Ambrose aren't surgeons, Strange. They're morticians.

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