42. Ever Be Easy

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"It's not looking good for Mrs. Harvick right now. Her husband and lover are both dead," Quinn comments as she takes a box of food out of the bag.
Sitting at a third table near Dean and Calvin's, she and Dean discuss the case as they have lunch at their desk.

"Tarkins dies a couple of hours before Malloy. But I don't see why she'd kill her lover and then her husband she was divorcing," Dean says in return.

"Maybe she decided she wanted to save the marriage. A drastic act to show Malloy she was back, but it backfired?"

"Or perhaps it's someone else we're missing completely?"

"There's nothing nor no one in Malloy's life, so that leaves Tarkins. What if he had someone who didn't appreciate him getting with Mrs. Harvick? Dean says, thinking out loud.

"Dean's phone begins to ring, prompting him to place his food aside and answer the call. "Straken," He answers. "What?! Okay, we'll be right there!"

"What's up?" Quinn asks curiously.

"There's been a fire. Mrs. Marvick and her sister have been taken to the hospital."



"Alright. So a fourth party who wants them all dead. But Mrs. Marvick 's sister..." Quinn says as they watch the charred remains of the home.

"Collateral damage or two birds one stone?" Dean pipes in, finishing her thought


"We have to hope they make it," Dean sighs.

"So?" Quinn asks the firefighter, approaching them.

"Definitely arson. There is no doubt about it. There's also something you should see," He says to them with a gesture for them to follow him.

The two detectives follow the firefighter to the back of the home, "Point of origin here," He begins pointing to the back door. "Accelerant," pointing to the empty half-charred remains of a gas canister, "And this."

Dean and Quinn walk up carefully to the marking on the ground. "Classic large spray painted 'X'.

"So this begs the question. Was it personal, or do we have some sort of vigilante killer on the loose?" Dean questions.

"We need to find out what these three had going on. What could be a motive for this."

"You know, I truly thought this would've been a simple open and shut case. You know, an easy day!"

"Like if our work could ever be easy."



"What's your take on hunting? Arrow asks, beginning their conversation as she and Ezra stroll through Hargrove Park.

"In what way, sunshine? What kind of question is that?" Ezra replies, looking at her.

"As in... what's your stance on the whole thing? What we do, how we do it...how we should do it..." Arrow elaborates.

"Okay?" Ezra says with a raised brow of confusion. "I think what we do is necessary and important. Without hunters, Lycans would be out there wreaking havoc and hurting innocent people. As for how we've been doing it... I think our methods are pretty efficient and effective. Surveillance, mission, clean up," Ezra answers with a shrug. "Why? What's got you asking these questions? You second-guessing hunting?"

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