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Mr. Song was furious. He was done with everything and he had no idea how he will handle this as well. He was so angry that without thinking much he swing his hand which land straight on Lucas cheek. Lucas who was standing in front of him was shocked as well. The force of slap was so hard that he could hear a tiny ring in his ears. Mr. Song should have done that long ago when he was arrested in murder case 7 years ago. he shouldn't have help him out of the jail like he did yesterday.

"I never expected you to be this stupid. was your sister not enough that you also made me embarrass in front of everyone."

" I didn't do anything, dad. " he said. Lucas said not believe his father really said that to him.

"And who is going to believe that, do you have any prove for your innocence? CCTV clearly shows how you force her towards the room."

" Dad believe me, she was doing an act all this time. That stupid bitch I should have been more careful. " He said running his hands in his hairs

" Whatever you say. I don't want you to get involved in these types of activities anymore, focus on the company or else I have more better plans for you. " Mr. Song glare at him and sit on his chair. Lucas wasn't going to let it go that easily and after what Jungkook did to him. he wants him to pay for it

A week later:

Pushing the shopping cart y/n pick up the packet of cereal on the large shelf. She was out of groceries and she decided to fill it up today. Taehyung is still not leaving her. The fact she doesn't even k ow that he came to her house after she fall asleep too. A little creepy but all he did is to make sure she is doing well.

She push her cart more but stopped when she saw another cart standing in a way. she look at the lady who were standing there. she was wearing a black hoodie and her head was covered with hood.

"Can you please move your cart? I want to pass." she said. when the woman lift her head she stood frozen at her place.

what the hell happened to her? It was Lily and she looks like a mess. She had dark circles under her eyes. her skin was pale and there were some marks on her face like she had scratch it with her nails. She had cut her hairs short. she can't even recognize her for the moment.

Y/n wasn't interested in knowing what she was going through. maybe she deserves what is happening with her right now. Same thing was happening with her that she did to them. The thing she loves was taken away from her. she love modelling and looks like she is going to get anything now. y/n remove her gaze from her and walk pass her. she is going to ignore her.

"Are you happy now?" she asked making her frown. Y/n turn around with a frown.

"Excuse me?" Lily scoff, her eyes burn with anger.

"You might be happy now that I am suffering right?" she asked.

"what nonsense are you talking? I desire no such thing." she turn back around to leave the place but she stopped when she said something that make her a bit scared.

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