Chapter 3

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"Ellie. Ellie, what did you see?" Edmond asked.

My mouth was dry as the tears continue to stream down my face. I clung to him, not wanting to let go.

"Love, please tell me."

"Yo-you were dead. Harmony was dead. There was a battle."

"Another one?"

I shook my head. "Nothing like that. It was so much bigger. It wasn't just us, it was every mythical creature. The griffins, unicorns, centaurs, mermaids, pixies, fairies, ogres, trolls, and medusa. Everyone was battling."


I nodded my head. "Yes. Snake-headed Medusa. We need to find father. Hee needs to call an emergency council meeting."

We ran down the hall to King Orsand's office. 

"Ellie? Edmond? What's wrong?"

I explained the vision quickly. I tried to at least. My voice cracked as the flashes of the battle kept repeating in my mind. 

"What do we do?" he asked.

"We need to hold an emergency council meeting with the other packs and then we need to hold a mythical council."

"A mythical council? A mythic council hasn't been called in decades."

"I know, father, but I don't think we have a choice. Something is coming and it's going to attack us all."

"Who could do that? Who could control mythical creatures?"

"Hera," I said.

"Hera? Wasn't she dealt with after the last battle?" Edmond asked.

"Yes. She's sneaky," I said angrily. "So sneaky."

"Have you spoken with Artemis?" King Orsand asked.

I shook my head. "Not yet."

"You should do that. I'll notify the packs and we'll have the council meeting tomorrow."

I nodded and walked out of his office toward my own.

"Do you want company?"  Edmond asked, following me.

"Yeah. I don't want to be alone right now."

He grabbed my hand and followed as I entered the large, warm room. The fireplace was already lit and coffees and cookies were sitting on my side table by my wing-backed chair.


Edmond shut the door as I pulled the curtains shut. I closed my eyes focusing on the mark on my forehead. Focusing on Artemis. I felt myself falling. The dark abyss took over as I floated in nothingness. Waiting, I saw a bright golden-orange light growing in the dark.

That's not right. That's not Artemis.

I watched as a man emerged from the light. 

"Who are you?" I asked. "I called for Artemis."

"I am Apollo. Twin brother of Artemis."

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I am not here for you," the tall, golden-haired God said.

"I don't understand. Who then?"

"There is a battle coming. There are those whose minds are being clouded by others. You will need more than Artemis for this great battle."


"Artemis and I are the closest that twins can be. We think the same. We complete one another. I can only take over one that is whole to you?"

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