Chapter 36

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It was weird sleeping in my old bedroom, especially with Edmond. I sat on the bed, it seemed so much smaller now. Everything did.

"You're not okay," he said, taking his shirt off.

"I am. I'm just nervous. You know? This hasn't been done for a while. What if I mess up?"

"What's the worse that can happen?"

I looked at him and cocked my head to the side. "My sister could die..."

"Right. I mean besides that."

"What's worse than that?" I asked.

"Sorry. I didn't mean..."

I waved him off. "I know you didn't. I just don't want to be the reason she dies."

"Do you want to call it all off?"

"Absolutely not. I can't let her stay with that maniac. That's just not good for her or the pups. Plus, I don't want that kind of crazy popping up anytime soon."

"You won't have to worry about that."


"Anwar promised that he was taking care of Alex."

"Do you believe him?" I asked.

Edmond shook his head. "That's why I called my dad."


"He's on his way here with mother, and Marsha."

"Oh boy."

"Yeah, they're furious. That's why I'm just changing and then heading back downstairs."

"They're on their way now?"

"Indeed. They're going to strip Alex of his future Alpha title tonight. They're not waiting around."

"That's good."

"Do you wanna watch?" he asked, a twinkle in his eye.

"I can do that?"

"You're the princess. You can do just about anything you want."

"Then yes," I said. "There is nothing I would love more than to watch Alex suffer even more."

He held out his hand for me. I happily took it and walked down the stairs just as the front doors flew open.

"Alpha!" King Orsand hollered.

"Uh oh," I said in a hushed voice.

Queen Amelia stepped up beside him, looking incredible as always. They both wore their matching crowns, which was usually a power move on their part. She placed her hand on his arm in an attempt to get him to calm down. Beta Marsha and Gamma Joshua came in behind.

The were an imposing sight as they took over the place. 

The King's and Queen's guards stood at the door as everyone walked into the dining area. Edmond and I nodded at the rather large and terrifying men and entered behind the King, Queen, Beta, and Gamma.

"Majesties," Alpha Anwar mumbled.

"Anwar, I'm not pleased," King Orsand stated, sitting at the head of the table.

Father and Gamma Arthur stood, bowing low to everyone.

"Um, I don't understand? Why?" Alpha Anwar asked, all of the color draining from his face.

"Have you or have you not met the conditions of Alex being returned to Moon Mist?"

"Well, you see, I was..."

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