Chapter 29

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I tore my gaze away from my mate and focused on one of the harpies that dove from above us. Her talons stretched out as she let out the most ear piercing screech. My wolf snarled and let out a howl as we leaped into the the air, colliding with her before she could grab one of my soldiers. My fangs sunk into the evil creatures throat, her putrid blood tasted awful on my tongue. I dropped the dead creature and continued to move forward with the advancement. I joined with a handful of other wolves as they attacked an ogre.

That was the bad thing about ogres. They have been very stupid, they were very large and very strong. It took at least 10 wolves to take down one ogre which really detracted from those who were attacking the rest of the evil hoard. I scrambled up the back of the ogre and bit at the back of his neck while another went for his jugular. The ogre dropped to his knees and lay unmoving.

"El!" Zephyr shouted from above me. "I can see something Ares coming. He's not happy!"

I nodded my head and darted through the wolves, unicorns, and other mythic creatures till I breeched the black mist that seemed to follow Ares everywhere. Swallowing hard, I looked up at the imposing man. 

'This is not going to be good.' Diana thought to me.

I shook my head at her.

Ares cocked his head to the side and looked between the two of us.

'Can he see you?'  I asked.

'I think so.'

'Where is Artemis? We need her.'

'I don't know, but I agree. She will be vital to this. There is no way we can handle Ares on our own.'

"Oh, it's not just Ares," a familiar, icy voice said from behind him. 

We watched as Enyo walked around from the back of the God of War. She smiled smugly as we both took a step back. 

'She was warned by Zeus!"

'Elanor, do any of the demi Gods ever listen to him? Do any of the Gods listen to him?'

'Good point. It's like a free for all on Olympus.'

"This is never going to end children of Artemis. We will keep coming over and over and over until all of you are dead."

'I need to shift so I can yell at her,' I thought to Diana.

'Right now? You need to yell at her right this moment? When we're in the middle of the battle?'

'I didn't say I was going to. Just that I need to. She's so arrogant.'

'Uh, yeah. Look who her mother is."

'I know. I know. I just can't stand them. They need to just stop.'

'Like she said, they're never going to.'

Diana lunged forward, her ethereally glowing body leaving a trail of beautiful golden sparkles behind her. Ares reached out and grabbed her body before she made contact with him. She let out a yelp and looked at him. He began to squeeze her tighter and tighter. She whined before vanishing. 


No response.

He just poofed my guardian? How? Can you kill an already dead being? Artemis! Where are you!

I took a few steps back, standing in line with Edmond, Aelfred, and the others. King Orsand took a few steps forward and let out a low growl at Ares.

"Is that supposed to scare me old man?" he asked in his smug arrogant tone. "Nothing scares the God of War."

I swallowed hard and felt that fear I'd felt 5 years ago creeping in. That unease of not knowing what was going to happen. I hated that feeling.

Just as the tension reached its peak, a sudden burst of lightning illuminated the battlefield. Zeus, the king of the gods, and Artemis, materialized in a brilliant display of power. The thunderous sound reverberated through the air, shaking the ground beneath us.

Zeus's voice boomed, resonating with authority. "Ares, enough!" he commanded, his eyes crackling with electricity. "Your reckless actions and thirst for destruction end here."

Artemis strode toward us, her bow in hand and determination etched on her face. "You have meddled with forces beyond your understanding," she warned Enyo, her voice sharp and commanding. "Your arrogance will be your downfall."

Ares released his grip on Diana's vanished form, his expression shifting from confidence to uncertainty. He took a step back, momentarily stunned by the sudden appearance of his father and sister.

Zeus's gaze swept across the battlefield, his voice carrying over the chaos. "Mythics, heed my call! Unite against this horde of evil and protect the realm of the living."

We stood in awe, inspired by the presence of their divine leaders, rallied with newfound vigor. Wolves howled, unicorns charged, and other majestic beings unleashed their unique powers. The battle turned, the tide shifting in favor of the defenders.

I felt a surge of hope wash over me as Artemis approached. "Elanor, we shall fight together," she said, her voice full of determination. "No evil shall prevail while we draw breath. And, I'm sorry for being so late. It took me some time to convince Zeus that he needed to step in."

I nodded, my confidence bolstered by her words. We joined forces, our skills and powers intertwining seamlessly. Arrows flew from Artemis's bow, finding their targets with unerring accuracy. Together, we carved a path through the enemy, pushing back the advancing hoard.

Meanwhile, Zeus turned his attention to Ares, his gaze filled with disappointment. "You have strayed from your purpose, Ares," he thundered. "The chaos and destruction you sow only serve to weaken our realm. You shall answer for your actions."

Ares, momentarily humbled by his father's words, lowered his gaze. "Father, I... I thought I was doing what was necessary," he muttered, his voice laced with regret.

Zeus's expression softened slightly, his tone becoming less severe. "There is a balance to be maintained, my son. Wisdom and restraint must guide your hand, not blind rage. It is time to reflect on your choices and seek redemption."

I groaned, knowing that absolutely nothing would be done to Ares and the cycle would continue.

As the battle raged on, the combined might of the mythics, led by Zeus and Artemis, proved overwhelming. The evil hoard faltered, their forces diminishing under the relentless assault.

In the midst of the chaos, Zeus raised his lightning-charged scepter high. With a powerful surge of energy, he unleashed a thunderous blast, disintegrating the remaining foes in a blaze of divine fury.

The battlefield fell silent, the smoldering remnants of the enemy dissipating into nothingness. Zeus turned his attention to Ares once more, his voice filled with paternal concern. "You have witnessed the consequences of your actions, my son. It is time to choose a different path."

Ares nodded, his gaze downcast. Enyo snarled and vanished in a puff of wispy grey smoke.

As the dust settled, Zeus and Artemis slowly faded away in another brilliant lightning strike, their presence returning to the realm of the gods. Their intervention had been a turning point, a beacon of hope in the darkest hour.

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