Chapter 15

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We talked with Amelia for a few moments before the doors burst open. Phil, who was always in check of his emotions and never had a hair out of place, was panting and his tie was askew.

"Phil?" Amelia asked.

"Majesties! So sorry. Reuben," he puffed while pointing down the hallway.

"Reuben? Already? He's not due back for a few more days."

"He's at the clinic. King and Queen."

"The royal Faeries are here?" I asked.

Phil nodded his head.

We all jumped up and ran for the clinic. Phil trailed behind. There was a crowd around the door and soft whispers about the red wolf who looked awful.

Oh no. Reuben!

"Stand aside!" a guard commanded. "Their royal majesties approach!"

Everyone quieted and parted as we walked down the hall. They bowed and curtsied low as we went into the clinic. Inside it was abuzz with commotion as nurses hovered over a figure on the floor.

"Queen Amelia?" a soft voice asked from the counter.

"Queen Lyra! Welcome. I am so sorry it is under such dire circumstances," Amelia said.

"Do not apologize. Is your wolf okay?"

"Doctor Pine?" I called. "Doctor Pine!"

"Yes?" she asked, not looking up.

"Is that Reuben? Is he okay?"

"The boy pushed it entirely too hard. His paw pads are bloody and worn down from running and his heart rate isn't coming down."

"Why is he still a wolf?" Edmond asked.

Doctor Pine shrugged her shoulders. "The only thing I can figure is that his wolf knows his human form cannot handle the damage done. We will do our best to heal the boy."

"Would having his mate at his side help?"

"Reuben has a mate?" Amelia asked.

"I believe so. Abigail."

"Huh. I didn't know that."

"I don't think he told us," I said, kneeling beside the panting red wolf.

His tongue lolled to the side as his eyes tried to focus on me. I smiled while petting his head and scratching his ears. His snout moved, almost like trying to talk but wolves don't speak.

"Shh. It's okay, Reuben. You did a good job. Such a good job. I am so proud of you!" I wiped at the tears that slid down my cheek.

He smiled, even as a wolf he had the same goofy smile as human Reuben. 

"We're getting Abigail for you. Okay?"

His eyes almost lit up at her name. 

"You know you're in real big trouble for not telling me. Right?"

He rolled his eyes before closing them.

"Is he?" I couldn't finish the sentence.

Doctor Pine stood with a needle in her hand. "No. I just gave him something to help him sleep while we work on him. I think you might be calming him down. Do you mind staying until his mate gets here?"

"No. Not at all."

"Good." She turned to the three nurses around her. "Alright, up he goes and onto the stretcher."

I watched as they gently picked him up and placed him on the soft bed.

"I'm going to stay with the King and Queen," Amelia said. "I'll take them to Kallisto and see if there's anything else we can do for her."

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