Chapter 39

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"I think Ashley's back," Edmond laughed. "With your pot."

"Yeah. The loud mouth." I grabbed my satchel and  made my way to where Ashley and Alastair were in the kitchen.

"What do we do now?" she asked.

"We start brewing this thing."

I put the journal on the counter and the cauldron on the stove.

"So, what happens?" Alastair asked.

"We brew this, right? Put it into the crystal vial I bought today. It's in that bag over there. It's big so there should be enough for Harmony and Alex to take a drink. Once the liquid is ready we put it into the vial and when the lunar eclipse starts we put the vial outside so the rays wash over it and then immediately Harmony and Alex drink. Harmony says this ridiculously long passage and the bond should be broken."

"Sounds easy enough," Ashley said.

"I hope," I mumbled as I took the muddler and started to crush up some of the flowers. "Um, does anyone happen to have any liquid silver laying around?"

"I actually do," dad said, walking into the kitchen.

"You do?" Edmond asked.

"Yeah. I'm always working on things so I keep a lot of random stuff in my office."

"Can I have a drop of it?"

"Just a drop?" he asked.

"Yeah. Just a drop."

"Of course. I'll go get it for you."

"Thanks, dad."

Ashley, Alastair and Edmond sat at the kitchen table while I mixed everything together. 

"What going on?" Harmony asked, going right for the coffee.

"Making that drink for you and Alex."

"That's happening tonight..." she said quietly, holding her coffee mug at her lips not actually taking a sip.

"Only if you want it to."

"I do. I'm ready. I'm just nervous I guess."

"If it makes you feel any better, read through some these. I don't need it right now since it just has to simmer until it's finished. There personal accounts of other women who did this same thing."

"Really?" She reached out for the journal. 

"Yeah. Some of the stories are really sad. There aren't a lot, but they're pretty heart breaking."

"And they all survived? Did they have pups? What happened?"

"Just read," I said. "All of your questions will be answered. But as far as I know, they all survived and most of them had families."

She took the journal and sat in the furthest corner of the breakfast nook. 

We spent most of the day in the kitchen watching the pot. 

The sun had begun its descent, and the sky was painted with hues of orange and pink, heralding the impending lunar eclipse. The atmosphere inside the house was charged with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. 

"So, it's all set now?" Alastair asked.

"Almost," I replied. "I think it just need to be a dark purple almost black."

"What's going on in here?" mom asked, emerging from the depths of the house.

"Oh, um." We all looked at each other not sure what to say. 

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