Chapter 37

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The sun began to set, casting a warm golden hue across the clearing where the pivotal conversation had just taken place. The weight of the future Alpha title settled on Tristan's shoulders as he tried to compose himself, knowing that destiny had chosen him for this path. He spent a lot of time alone, just sitting in the gardens.

 Amid the gathering dusk, Marsha busied herself with the necessary paperwork to formalize the transition of power that was sent to her. Her assistant really was the best.

King Orsand and Queen Amelia stood in the hallway leading to the door. Freddy and Vicky were hugging them tight as we said our goodbyes.

"Do you need us to stay?" King Orsand asked.

"No, father, we should be alright," I said, kissing his cheek then Queen Amelia's.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" she questioned.

"I promise we'll be fine."

Alpha Anwar and dad said their good byes as the King and Queen's motorcade pulled out of Moon Mist.

Alpha Anwar didn't stick around for pleasantries. He hurried back to his own home looking rather sullen.

"You know he had no plans on stripping Alex of his duties," Edmond said before kissing the top of my forehead.

"I know. I don't get that. Alpha never disobeyed an order from father before. He was always such an obedient Alpha. That's why our pack flourished the way it has."

"Don't hold it against him."

"You got awfully angry."

"Well, yeah, he was trying to blame you for his sons actions. I think he just doesn't want to face the fact that Alex did not turn out the way he should have."

I sighed heavily as we walked, with the pups running ahead of us, up to their room. My parents converted two of their guest rooms into bedrooms for all of the grandpups. Harmony's slept in a room that had a connecting door to her room.

"I can't blame him I guess. I mean, he is a father. Alex is his son. I'm not sure what I would do or how I would feel if either of our pups were in a similar situation."

We tucked Freddy and Vickie into bed and retired for the night. My mind was racing and my eyes hurt. I'm pretty sure I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow.

As dawn painted the sky with hues of pink and orange, I found myself slowly drifting back to consciousness. The transition from deep slumber to the realm of wakefulness was gentle but persistent, like a soft tug coaxing me back to the world of the living.

My eyes fluttered open and I took a moment to orient myself. The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. The remnants of dreams clung to my mind like mist, fading with each passing second. I sat up, stretching my arms above my head, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep.

The events of the previous day rushed back to me, the worry for Harmony and the weight of the situation at hand, what if Alpha would try something?

He would never risk the anger of Orsand, right?

Gently untangling myself from the bedsheets, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and planted my feet on the floor. It was time to face the day, and to finally help Harmony be rid of a major burden.

Quietly, so as not to disturb Edmond, I crept out of the bedroom and made my way to the kitchen. The scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. I poured myself a steaming cup and sat next to dad at the kitchen island. We sat in silence and stared out the windows.

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