Chapter 30

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With the battle won and we had all shifted back into our human forms, I stood among the other mythics, panting and covered in the blood of our fallen foes. The adrenaline still coursed through my veins, but beneath it all, a sense of dread gnawed at me. Ares might have backed down for now, but I knew deep down that this wouldn't be the end of his wrath.

"We did it," Edmond said, his voice filled with a mix of relief and exhaustion.

"Yes, but at what cost?" I replied, my eyes scanning the battlefield for any signs of Diana. She was gone, vanished after Ares had gripped her. I feared the worst but refused to accept it until I saw her myself.

As the other mythics began to regroup and tend to the wounded, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. My instincts, sharpened by years of battles and struggles, told me that we hadn't seen the last of Enyo and Ares.

'Elanor?' I turned to look at the ethereal form of Aelfred. 'Where is Diana?'

'I don't know. She just vanished after Ares grabbed her.'

'Could a dead being die again?' Edmond asked.

Aelfred shook his head. 'I don't think. I have to find her.'

'Please, let us know where she is when you find her.'

He nodded his head and vanished.

Together, Edmond and I went through the battlefield, checking on our comrades and offering aid to the injured. The casualties were heavy, and the loss weighed heavily on our hearts. Among the fallen, I spotted some familiar faces, mythics I had known for years, and the pain of their absence intensified my determination to put an end to Ares and Enyo once and for all.

"Elanor!" my father ran up to me and wrapped me in a tight hug. His button down shirt wasn't tucked in and his face was spattered with blood. 

It was so different from his normal pristine self. 

"I was so worried, my sweet pup."

"Dad." I sunk into his hug, sobbing.

I let out all of the emotion that I had been holding in for such a long time. He hugged me tighter and kissed the top of my head.

"It's all right, pup. It's okay."

It felt as though the weight of the world sat on my shoulders and i had no idea if it would ever go away. As the tears slowed down, I looked up at the man who had been such a rock in my life. He looked so old now.

"I love you, old wolf."

He smiled warily. "I love you too, young pup."

Harmony pushed her way through the people and other mythics to make her way to us.

"We did it. We....we won."

I laughed lightly. "We did."

"Now what?" she asked, looking around.

"Um, I guess we clean things up and go back to regular life."

I looked around for Edmond and found him in his father and mothers embrace. A vision I didn't think would happen after my dream. They were alive. 

"The pups?" I asked.

"They're in the interior of the castle with some of the wet nurses."

I nodded and hurried away from the carnage to find my children. Making my way through the bustling castle, the nursery was barricaded. I could hear the whimpers and cries of confused, scared pups within.

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