Chapter 18

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I shook my head and walked in behind Edmond.

"Majesties!" the booming voice came from above.

I looked up to see King Aquilastrum descend from one of the balconies. He was always one to make grand entrances. He landed in front of us standing tall and proud. As he should.  The griffins were a mighty species. Their bodies were those of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle. 

King Aquilastrum's feathers glistened in the sunlight, with flashes of gold and copper that seemed to dance in the light. I watched in amazement as he tucked his massive wings into the side of his body.

"You highness," I said, dipping into a curtsey. 

His beak turned up into a smile as he dipped his head into a bow to Edmond and me. "What brings such young pups to my kingdom?"

"Who's young?" Edmond asked.

"Pup, I am 453 years old. You are but a young one."

"Right. You are immortal."

"Indeed," the king said. 

He motioned for us to follow him.

"Dear King, have you or your kind left the borders of your kingdom lately?"

"No. We try not to leave often. Most humans do not take kindly to seeing us."

"What about them?" Edmond asked, looking at a group of well-dressed humans standing near a banquet table.

"There are exceptions. They are the descendants of those who chose to remain with us after the barriers went up around all of the mythological kingdoms. They are not immortal, unfortunately. The lady in gold and purple is the great-great-great-great granddaughter of the man who built my castle. I miss him tremendously."

"Fascinating," I mumbled as she curtsied to us.

"Now, what is this about beyond the border?"

"Right." I glanced at Edmond, who finally put on some clothes. "We were on our way to Loseldoon to collect Luminaria when we were attacked."

"No! That's awful. It is most fortunate you're okay," King Aquilastrum said, shaking his head.

"They were goblins with venomous darts."

"Goblins? Are you sure? They're pesky creatures but don't tend to be violent in such a way."

"We saw them," Edmond said. "They were why we were heading to Loseldoon. They attacked the fae princess."

"What? They attacked the faeries?"

Edmond and I both nodded our heads.

"Is Kallisto okay?"

"She will be."

"We haven't left much, but is it something that we need to assist with?"

"Perhaps. If the time would come, majesty, would you and your kingdom stand with us and others to fight back?"

"We shall always stand with our allies, especially if there is a threat to our own kingdom. We have many vulnerable citizens here."

"Wonderful. I, um, have a question," I said.

"What is that, Princess Elanor?"

"Would any of your guards be willing to check the area for us to see where the goblins are so we can avoid them when we leave?"

"Of course! I'll send them out immediately."

He let out a mighty screech, bringing a small group of griffins from within the castle. They stood before the king as he gave out orders. The guards ran from the banquet hall to the courtyard, taking off into the air. 

"While they go about, please eat. I'm sure you're both hungry and thirsty after running in wolf form for so long."

"Thank you so much."

The king nodded and led us to a table that was full of some of the most delicious foods that were spread out. Edmond hungrily took a plate and loaded it with various meats. I wanted to do the same. I wanted to climb onto the table and just lay there while eating, but that would not be proper manners or decorum for a princess.

I restrained myself and took a modest helping of the various foods and ate like a proper royal. 

We chatted with the few nobles that were in the room with us, waiting on bated breath for the guards to return. 

Edmond finished his second plate when they finally landed in the courtyard. I stood as they staggered in. Their feathers were ruffled and they breathed heavily.

"What happened?" I asked.

Shaking his head, who I assumed was the leader of them stepped forward. "You're not going to be able to run to the fae kingdom."

"Why? What's wrong?" Edmond questioned.

"Goblins are taking over and there were even a few Ogres mixed into the bunch."

King Aquilastrum stood from his position. "Ogres are working with goblins?"

"Yes, sire. I've never seen such a thing before. Or their vast number."

"Edmond," I looked over at him, "We have to get to Loseldoon. We need that flower for Kallisto."

"I don't know how we're going to," he said.

"We can help there," King Aquilastrum said.


He took a deep breath. "We can give you a ride."

"A ride?" Edmond asked.

"Indeed, wolf prince. A ride."


"Yes. It is but extenuating circumstances."

"When do we go?" I asked.

"Now," King Aquilastrum stated.

"Okay. Let's go!" Edmond stood, finishing his drink. 

King Aquilastrum led us to the courtyard followed by a group of griffins and people. He spoke to a few who ran off as we waited again.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"They're going to get some of our bigger griffins to help carry you. They should be but a minute."

"Right. Right," I said.

King Aquilastrum spread his wings and prepared for flight as two of the largest griffins I'd ever seen came into the space.

"Wonderful, Blaze and Titan. We need your assistance. The prince and princess of Selenea need a ride."

"Majesty?" the one called Titan asked.

"We are currently surrounded by goblins and ogres. They need to get to Loseldoon and back to Selenea."

"Of course, majesty."

They both knelt down so we could climb on their backs. I had never flown before. We wolves tended to keep our paws on the ground. My heart was racing with excitement and anticipation. The thrill of the unknown was coursing through my veins.

As soon as I was seated, the griffin spread its wings and took off into the sky. I could feel the wind rushing past my face, and I clung tightly to the creature's feathers as we soared higher and higher.

The view from atop the griffin was breathtaking. The griffin's movements were smooth and graceful.

As we flew, the griffin let out a mighty roar, and I could feel the power of its voice reverberating through my entire body. It was a sound of pure strength and majesty, and I felt honored to be riding on its back.

I glanced down and my heart felt as though it stopped. The forest  below us seemed to be alive. I guess technically it was. Goblins and ogres swarmed everywhere. They were in such a feral frenzy.

"Oh Goddess," I gasped, as a dart flew past us.

"Higher!" King Aquilastrum ordered.

The Griffins beat their wings and he flew higher and into the clouds. 

This is so much more than I thought it would be.

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