Chapter 40

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"What do you mean the mate bond is broken?" Alex asked, once Edmond and Alastair released him. "And what did you make me drink?"

"You no longer hold control over Harmony or the pups. You can go on your miserable way and be a jerk elsewhere, Alex," Ashley said.

"Harmony. This has gone on long enough. You're coming back to my father's until we are allowed back in our house."

"No, Alex. I'm not. You are not my mate anymore."

His face began to turn red as he let out a howl. He shifted to his wolf form and ran off into the woods.

"Should we go after him?" dad asked.

"No. He'll come back eventually," Alpha Anwar said. "Harmony, I am so sorry about everything he's put you through. Princess Elanor, I can't even begin to explain how sorry I am for every suggesting any of this was your fault. I just..."

I put my hand on his arm. "Alpha, it's okay. Alex is your son. It's hard seeing flaws in our children. You have nothing to be sorry for."

He nodded his head and left my father's estate.

"Now what?" Alastair asked.

"I guess whatever we want? Whatever Harmony wants?"

She stood and started sniffing the air. "Does anyone smell that?"

"Smell what?"

"I don't know. It's different."

"I just smell that stuff Ellie made. It's so sweet."

"Yeah, it does just invade the senses doesn't it?" I mumbled.

"I'm so confused," mom said, sitting at the table. 

"Why?" Edmond asked her.

"So, the mate bond was broken? We were always told that we would die if we broke it."

"We do, that's why there's special circumstances that have to happen leading up to it and a specific way it has to be done. It's really a pain to go through, but worth it if it's needed."

"What happens to Harmony now?" She looked up at my twin sister.

"She gets to live her life now without being in fear. She can finally be happy."

"That's good. That's a good thing!" Mom stood and hugged Harmony. "You and the pups stay here as long as you need."

"Yes, you stay here," dad agreed.

"Thanks," Harmony said. 

As the night wore on, Harmony, Ashley, Alastair, Edmond, and I gathered around the fireplace, discussing the events that had unfolded. The air was tense with uncertainty, but also relief. She finally had the freedom she deserved, away from the toxic bond that had held her captive for so long.

She kept sniffing the air, looking around us.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. I just smell something weird. I dunno."

"Oh." I furrowed my brow.

Could she be smelling another mate? That wasn't in the journal. None of the other wolves found another mate.

"Excuse me for a minute," I said, standing.

Edmond followed as I went to my old bedroom. "What's up?"

"I think she's smelling another mate."

"What? Already? How?"

"I don't know. I'm calling Artemis to ask."

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