Chapter 12

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***I finally gave the entire wolf realm a name! Can you find it in this chapter?***

Alastair stood, stoic. He was always stoic. 

"Listen, I don't think this is going to be an easy thing we're going into."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

I bit my bottom lip and looked at him for a moment. I needed him to understand how serious things were without revealing the visions.

"I just have this feeling. I don't know, call it intuition, that something bad is going to happen."

He smiled slightly. "I'm sure things will be fine."

I nodded my head, not pushing it.

"I'm going to find Ashley and the pups."

"Try the nursery," I said, walking away to find my own mate.

I walked toward mine and Edmond's office, stopping at the King's briefly. Popping my head in, I waved to Queen Amelia who sat behind his desk as he lay on his couch. He was grumbling and mumbling something while she nodded her head. She smiled up at me and rolled her eyes.

Our office wasn't too far from the King's. Our desks faced one another at opposite sides of the room. I paused outside the door when I heard muffled voices from within. I tried to eavesdrop but unfortunately, the thick door made it impossible to hear who was with Edmond.

Opening the door, I saw him standing there with Andrew. They looked distraught.

"Andrew? Hi!"


"Is everything okay?" I questioned.

"Yeah. I think."

"You think?" I asked.

"One of my warriors is sitting with the vampire ambassador to make sure they're okay and adjusting to things here in Selenea. Winter Lake is at least having a fairly cloudy day, but our realm is a lot sunnier than what they're used to."

"Right. So what's wrong?" I asked.

"The ambassador, Valtor Draven, mentioned seeing creatures trying to chase him."


"Yes, he described small creatures chasing after him making strange garbled noises that had blow darts," Andrew explained.

I looked at Edmond who nodded his head almost as though he knew what I was thinking.

"The same things that attacked Kallisto? Do we know how long until Reuben is back?"

Edmond sat on the edge of his desk. "Yeah. He should be back by tomorrow. He sent word this morning that he arrived in Loseldoon late last night. King Eamon and Queen Lyra are with him."

"Good." I sat in my chair, leaning back, and rubbed my temples.

How close are we to the battle?

'Closer than you think.'

I sat up and subtly looked toward where the soft voice came from. Diana stood near the window in her glowing glory. Aelfred stood near Edmond. He looked at me and nodded.

Andrew stood there, stroking his chin completely oblivious that our guides, the long-dead king and queen of all Selenea stood there.

'Are we?'

'Yes. There is something in the air. Even the spirit world is on edge.'

"We need to increase security in Winter Lake. We have the vampire ambassador and Princess Kallisto here now and the fairy King and Queen on their way," I said. "I don't want any more attacks happening here in Selenea. Not on our guests, not on our citizens."

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