Chapter 38

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I sat at my old desk reading through the journal to be sure I had all of the ingredients and would do this properly. 

The first entry was the most detailed.

In the deep forest glade, under the pale glow of the waning moon, I stand, burdened by the unbreakable bond that holds my heart captive. Oh, how I long to be free from this mate bond that binds me to another! For reasons that only the cosmos can comprehend, fate has intertwined our destinies, and yet, my soul yearns for emancipation.

Guided by ancient whispers and forgotten prophecies, I seek the path to sever this eternal connection, to reclaim my autonomy. I've gathered the ingredients that legend speaks of, the elusive flowers that hold the power to break the mate bond, and now I stand before the sacred cauldron, ready to commence the intricate ritual.

First, I place the Midnight Nightshade, delicate and velvety, a potent symbol of release, into the gleaming silver cauldron. With utmost care, I sprinkle powdered wolfsbane which I muddled over the petals, its essence known to weaken the most resilient of supernatural bonds. The Moonstone Blooms, shimmering like stars themselves, follow next, their luminescent aura suffusing the brew with the magic of the heavens.

Now comes the pivotal moment, for I add the Luminaria, flowers that glow with ethereal light, symbolizing the brilliance of the cosmos. As their radiant essence infuses the mixture, I can feel the cosmic forces aligning with my purpose. Into the cauldron, I pour the essence of moonstone, distilled meticulously, to bolster the potion's strength.

But the concoction requires more than flowers alone; a few additional ingredients are essential for the spell's efficacy. I include dried sage leaves, a potent purifier, to cleanse any latent negativity that might taint the magic. A drop of pure silver, an element sacred to werewolves, enhances the brew's affinity to their supernatural essence.

And now, for the final touch, I add a drop of my own blood, willingly offered, symbolizing the sacrifice I'm willing to make to break this unyielding bond. With steady hands, I stir the mixture clockwise three times, chanting ancient verses passed down through generations, invoking the spirits of the forest and the guidance of the moon.

With the brew prepared and potent, I transfer it into the crystal vial, the vessel that will hold the concentrated essence of my liberation. This vial, cleansed through ritualistic enchantments, is the key to my release. I gaze into its sparkling depths, fortified by determination, and ready to confront whatever cosmic consequences may arise.

Under the forthcoming lunar eclipse, as the moon's light is veiled, I shall take this vial, bathed in the moon's shadow, and stand before the mate who is my current captor. At the precise moment when the eclipse casts its ethereal glow upon us, I shall unseal the vial and release its contents into the air. The potent magic shall resonate with the celestial disruption, and the mate bond shall weaken, setting my heart free.

But I must be prepared for the aftermath, for tampering with such powerful forces holds no guarantees. The consequences may be unforeseen, and I shall embrace whatever destiny unfolds with courage and resolve. I tread a path few dare to journey, seeking liberation from a bond that defies mortal understanding. For my heart's liberation, I shall risk all, and embrace the chaos that ensues, for to be free is to reclaim my very soul.

"Interesting read?" Edmond asked, looking over my shoulder. 

"Yeah, I feel really bad for this woman. The first to try the bond breaking thing."

"How could a mate bonding go so bad?" I asked.

"I don't know but at least it doesn't happen often?"

I shrugged and went back to reading.

The old priestess I'd met gave me these instructions. Warning that one misstep would mean my demise. Is  this worth my potential death? Why, Goddess, is this what has become of me? The tears I shed for a life wasted. A mate who seeks the comfort of others and has utterly forsaken me. 

I shall not spend another night locked away or beaten. I will not fall in step as his family has instructed.

I want to be free.

O cosmic forces that govern the tapestry of destiny, hear my plea! With Midnight Nightshade, I beseech thee to unlock the chains that shackle our hearts as one. Let the essence of this flower grant me the freedom I seek, as it dissolves the ties that bind me to another.

Moonstone Bloom, shimmering in the ethereal glow, lend me your strength! With your celestial power, weaken the grip of this bond, and grant me the autonomy that eludes me still. Let the luminous magic of your petals dissolve the intertwining threads that imprison my heart.

Luminaria, flowers of the heavens, illuminate my path! With your radiant light, guide this ritual to success. May your luminescence infuse the concoction with the brilliance of the stars and align the cosmic forces in my favor.

Dried sage leaves, pure and cleansing, purify this brew! Remove any lingering negativity that clouds the path to liberation. With your sacred essence, ensure that the spell remains true and untainted.

Wolfsbane, a symbol of transformation, lend your aid! In your powdered form, weaken the bond that defies my will. Allow the potion to penetrate the deepest recesses of the mate bond, unraveling its grip on my soul.

Essence of moonstone, distilled with care, fortify this potion! With your mystical power, amplify its potency and let it resonate with the celestial energies. May the essence of your lunar spirit be the catalyst that sets my heart free.

Pure silver, symbol of the werewolf's essence, blend your essence! Infuse the potion with the very nature of the supernatural world, strengthening its connection to the bond I seek to dissolve.

And now, as my blood mingles with this brew, let it signify my commitment! A sacrifice of self for the sake of my freedom. With this act, I consecrate my intent, affirming that I shall embrace whatever fate unfolds.

As the lunar eclipse approaches, I shall take the crystal vial in hand, containing the concentrated essence of my emancipation. In the moon's shadow, at the precise moment when the celestial alignment is complete, I shall unseal the vial and release its contents into the air.

O ancient spirits, guardians of the unseen realms, bear witness to my plea! Grant me the courage to face the consequences of this endeavor. With the breaking of the mate bond, may I find liberation and embrace the destiny that awaits.

I speak these words with reverence and conviction, knowing that my journey shall be one of uncertainty and transformation. The path I tread is steeped in mystery, but I shall embrace it with open heart and resolute spirit, for to break this bond is to reclaim the very essence of my being.

My heart broke for her, but I was glad that she documented the whole journey for future us to use.

"Ellie! We're back!" Ashley shouted from downstairs. "I have your pot!"

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