Chapter 28

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My heart pounded in my chest as the wolves who were at the castle started across the field toward the incoming hoard. Our battle against Hera was already 5 years ago, but it felt like yesterday and this scared me even more. 

The greenness of the meadow and the wild flowers that grew plentiful were trampled as the ogres, trolls, and goblins made their way toward us. The ogres and trolls were thankfully much slower than the already slowish goblins. 

I let out a howl as I charged the front of my wolves.

King Orsand and the other pack leaders led the way, the other mythics right behind.

I suppose it would only be right if we led the way since the battle of was our idea.

A battle not just for us, but of all the kingdoms.

King Orsand and Queen Amelia both nodded at me as I took my place beside them. Edmond scooted over a bit so I had more room to run beside. Even Harmony was in the rankings. 

The dream. This is it. This is my dream.

Fear gripped my heart as the nearly forgotten memory came flooding back. Would I see my beloved and my sister die?

I ran a head a bit and stopped in front of the advancing wolves, unicorn, and gryphns. 

'What are you doing?' Edmond thought to me.

'I need to shift human. I need everyone to hear me.'

'You don't have clothes.'

I looked around and noticed that zephyr Queen Celestia had a blanket about her body with her countries crest and colors. I ran over to her and gently tugged at the blanket while looking at her.

"Do you want this?"

I nodded my big wolf head.

"Um, okay. Why?"

I motioned to my body.

"Oh! You need to shift back?"

I nodded again as she knelt her front left leg down allowing me to pull the blanket off easier. I maneuvered myself so I was under it and shifted back to human form.

"Listen! All of my wolves and mythics. We cannot attack right now. Our numbers are small without the rest of the army. We must retreat to the castle as we await them."

I heard disgruntled grunts and groans from the wolves who waited to attack.

"I know we don't want to and that it is past time for us to fight back, but we absolutely must wait. Their numbers are far superior than ours. Even with our advantage of knowing how to fight, we cannot defeat the sheer volume of them. We must wait."

Edmond came up behind me and nudged my back. I looked behind me. It looked like a black, green, brown, and grey wave was moving across the meadow.

"Now! Everyone, retreat back now!" I screamed, quickly shifting back into my wolf form.

I ran through our troops and led the way to the various doors at the back of the castle. As we ran in, the occupants inside shut the doors and barricaded them from the advancing forces.

Everyone looked around, crammed into rooms, the kitchen and hallways, just waiting. The rest of our army wasn't that far behind now, but they would still arrive after the onslaught of enemies reached our doors. We could not have that. I didn't know if it was my enhanced wolf hearing, but it was as if you could hear the slobbering and chatter amongst the goblins already. Their big, clumsy feet slapping against the ground, stomping on the flowers. Some of the wolves were crotched back, afraid.

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