Chapter 19

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"Ellie, do you see this?" Edmond asked, looking down.

"Where did they all come from?" I asked back.

"I have no idea. Why are they swarming like that?"

"This is unheard of!" King Aquilastrum yelled to us. "I've never seen so many goblins working with ogres."

"Let's get to Loseldoon and back to Selenea. We need to tell Orsand."

"What about the Nightshade?" Edmond questioned.

"I'll have to get it some other time."

"Nightshade?" King Aquilastrum asked. "I know where we can get some on the way back to your kingdom."

"Really? Where?" I asked.

"There is a rocky little area that seems to be perfect for a patch of it in the mountains to the west of us."

I turned my head and looked at a mountain that rose in the distance. The griffins continually soared through the air, high above the frenzied swarm below us. Loseldoon was one of the smaller kingdoms of the mythics.

It was deep within an enchanted forest that had additional barriers around it. Most of us had ways that we could protect ourselves, the faeries though, were passive creatures that didn't have much in the way of protection. 

A golden shimmer in the distance was the border of their kingdom. It looked odd though. Almost like it was broken. Or breaking.

"Blaze, can you get as close to the ground as you can without risking our lives?"

"Of course, Princess."

He dove from the sky, flying between goblins and ogres as we approached the faerie kingdom. It was holding back the hoard, but the barrier was taking damage. On the other side were the faeries, flying about in a panic.

"Oh no," I gasped. "We need to hurry. Get back up to King Aquilastrum and Edmond. We need to tell them what's going on."

"Are the little bugs okay?"

"Faeries. They're faeries, and I don't know."

He took us back up to where everyone else was hoovering.

"What's going on?" Edmond asked.

"The goblins and ogres are bashing at the barrier. They're trying to break into the kingdom."

"What? Is the barrier going to hold up?" King Aquilastrum asked.

"I don't know. I don't know if they've ever been attacked before."

"Where is the next closest kingdom?" Edmond asked.

"Uh, I think Equinotia."

"Equinotia? That's the pegasus and unicorns, right?" King Aquilastrum asked.

"And centaurs. They have weapons. They'll be able to protect the faerie."

"Can they fly that far?"

"They should be able to. They just need someone to lead them there," I said.

"Alright. Let's get into Loseldoon and get the faeries," King Aquilastrum ordered.

The griffins climbed higher into the air and entered the kingdom from the top of the barrier. The faint screams of the faery could be heard, even from how high in the sky we were.

We dove to the ground, landing in the middle of the kingdom. I slid from the back of Blaze and ran toward the cries. 

"Faeries! Faeries!" I yelled for them. 

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