Part 67 - Brother?!

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(A/N - So i'm so sorry for the 2 year gap, i've...kinda neglected this to work on other fanfics on this account [my one-shot fanfics and my amourshipping fanfic] as well as a fanfic about my OC Character on my other account [Stories of Emily the Electric Cat on my other account Emilythecat66] but i might be back now on this for a bit since i can't think of any fanfic atm for my oc fanfic, i do have an idea on this fanfic and have for a while but let see what you all think and i hope you enjoy these next few fanfics 😋)

It was a dark but pretty night at the base and you was sleeping happily in her comfy bed with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) sleeping by (y/n) sides with (y/d/n) to your left and (y/c/n) to your right, outside your room and the mercs minus scout were all a mixture of awake and asleep, the ones who were asleep were demoman who was drunk asleep on the floor in his room, pyro who was in his in his bed cuddling a balloonicorn, sniper and medic who were asleep together in their room and soldier and engineer who were asleep in their room, the ones who were awake were spy and heavy who chilling, spy was in his smoking room reading a book and heavy was cleaning his guns sasha and the others.
meanwhile a few miles away from the base and scout and miss.pauling were fast asleep while the twins were also asleep in their big couple bed, it had been a week since the twins were born and both scout and miss.pauling were expecting to be woken up at the middle of the night to one or both of the twins being fussy but no, the twins always slept peacefully at night so both scout and miss.pauling are enjoying the night peace while it lasts, they also are living in a house that use to belong to the aminatrator when she was young, the adminatrator kept the house that she with her family lived in after all her family died but she let scout and miss.pauling live in it for a while till the twins are old enough to not be needed, the house needed servere redecorating as the house was old, looked to not been lived in in decades and the house looked to be build in the 1920's, miss.pauling did ask the adminatrator yesterday if they could redecorate the house for her and scout's sake and to help make the house look lively again but the adminatrator is still thinking about it.
back at the base and the light of the moon shines brightly down on the front area of the base but it also catches something ontop of a rock across the street of the base, what it caught was a figure and this figure looked to be not that tall as it wasn't a grown human figure more of a child figure but that's all you can see as the figure was wearing a big black clock with hoodie, the figure was looking up at the window to your room and they hold up a walkie-talkie to their mouth revealing their small child hand
"i have found the location on where (y/n) lives, what is my mission, sir?" the figure says in a serious male child's voice
"good boy, agent raven, now your mission is to destroy (y/n) and don't mess with the mercenaries, they're highly dangerous and are very protective of (y/n) so that's why you must do it when she's alone" a male voice says on the other end of the walkie-talkie
"yes, sir but...why (y/n), isn't she a 6 year old?" the figure now called agent raven says a little confused
"no asking questions! just get to work, agent!" the man on the other end says aggressively and this made the figure jump in fright
"yes, sir! sorry, sir!" agent raven says in a worried, slightly scared tone and he puts the walkie-talkie away back in his clock
agent raven looks back up to the window of your room and after standing there for a minute or two, he then disappears using a car driving past and looked like he was never there. the next morning, you had just had breakfast with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) and now you look out the window after having a wash and got dressed ready for the day
"it's a nice sunny day today (y/d/n) and (y/c/n), *gasp* we go to the playground today!" you says happily then get excited when you get the idea of the playground
'yeah! i like that idea!' (y/d/n) says happily with (his/her) tail wagging happily
'meh, i'll stat here and nap, it's my favorite activity' (y/c/n) says and (he/she) yawns
"ok, you stay here while me and (y/d/n) have fun in the playground!" you says happily and you with (y/d/n) leave the room
you and (y/d/n) head downstairs into the kitchen and you head to the back door, as you had to the back door, you see all the mercs eating breakfast but it looked empty without scour there
"hey sweetheart! where are you going?" sniper asks you as you head to the door
"oh, hi dad! me and (y/d/n) we're going out to the playground as it's sunny today, you want to join us later?" you replie and then asks and sniper thinks about it as well as the other mercs
"umm...sure! i join you later!" sniper says happily and medic who was sitting next to sniper nods happily
"i would also love to join you, leibe" medic adds and you smile with excitment
"yay! ok, see you later!" you says happily and you then leave with (y/d/n) by your side
all the mercs smile as they love how you brighten up the room with your happiness and they carry on eating, you and (y/d/n) run towards the playground and when you see the playground in view, you decide to go on the swing first but then you stop when you hear (y/d/n) start growling
"what's wrong, (y/d/n)?" you ask (y/d/n) when you turn around and see (y/d/n) standing in place with (his/her) heckles up and snarling and growling at a bush
you apporch the bush slowly in worry wondering what (y/d/n) see and then suddenly you are pinned down to the ground by something but couldn't tell as it was fast and you closed your eyes, you thrn open your eyes when you hit the floor and see a clocked person ontop of you
"w-who are you?! what do you want?!" you say in worry and slightly shouting
the clocked person didn't say anything and he holded up a knife making you freak out more as you put your arms over your face, suddenly (y/d/n) jumps up onto the clocked person's arm and bit it making the clocked person yelp in pain, (y/d/n) shakes the clocked persons arm and the clocked person tries to get your dog off their arm but you decided to pin him down to the ground instead by leaping into them and pinning their shoulders down
"who are you!" you ask seriously as you pin the clocked person down
the clocked person still didn't say anything and you still see in the corner of your eye that (y/d/n) is still attacking his left arm, suddenly you get pushed off the chocked person by them using their right hand and he then somehow flinged off (y/d/n) from their left arm causing then to yelp, the clocked person gets up but as they do, the wind get slightly strong and it causes the hoodie to fall off their head, you look up at them and you became shocked as you couldn't believe who it was
"(your brothers name)?!" you say in shock and the clocked person you now know as your brother put up their hoodie quickly (you can either use your real brothers name or a made up one if you don't have a brother)
the clocked person that you now know is your brother looked just like you but he was a male version of you which was a little weird, then your brother suddenly dives into the bushes again with (y/d/n) barking at the bushes and you get up to see where he went, you look into the bushes and see that your brother was gone
"where did he go?!" you say surprised as you look around for your brother but he was nowhere to be seen like he had been a illusion or something
"hey (y/n)!" the voice of sniper says and you turn to see him, medic and pyro going over to you
they stop when they see your face which was complete shock and medic goes over to you, he picks you up and you were still shocked as you look between medic, sniper and pyro and the bush
"what's wrong, sweetheart? you look like you saw a ghost" sniper asks and you look at the bush then at sniper
"i...i-i saw my brother" you say after calming down slightly and you look back at the bush stunned
sniper and medic look at each other worried while pyro plays with (y/d/n) to keep (he/she) distracted, a few minutes later and you were sitting at the kitchen table with all the mercs except scout sitting around you
"so, you're saying that your brother who was wearing a black clock attacked you?" engineer says and you nod to confirm
"how do you know it was your brother?" demoman asks looking confused
"i remember his face before he left me and my mom" you replie and the other look interested "i was 4 when he left me when he was 6, i remember my mom telling me after he left that he was going to live with my grandparents for a while and he'll return for my 5th birthday but i never saw him again, i don't know why he tried to attack me but...i have a feeling he didn't want to" you explain and the mercs stayed quiet as you explain
the mercs all look at each other after you finish explaining and then the silents was broken by (y/d/n) whining next to you
'now i feel bad for biting his arm' (y/d/n) says with a sad look in (his/her) face
"what made you think he didn't want to hurt you, he holded up a knife" spy asks in curiosity as he had his right hand  under his chin
"i don't know, i guess it was a in-stink that he didn't want to attack me but something was telling him to" you reply and medic smirks at your mess up
"it's 'instinct', leibe" medic says still smirking and he picks you up
he sits where you were sitting and puts you on his lap
"oh yeah!" you says realising you said it wrong and giggle a little making the others smile
"sweetheart, if your brother does come back and attack you again, remember to scream or yell really loudly, okay?" sniper says to you as he bends down to your level
"i will or i will send (y/d/n) to get you as (he/she) is super fast" you say feeling a little cheered up and sniper smiles at you
he then stands up and rubs your hair happily making you giggle and medic kisses you on the side of the forehead
"now, why don't you go to your room and tell (y/c/n) what happened, i bet (he/she) will be interested on what happened while (he/she) has (his/her) nap" sniper says and you grin happily
"okay! come (y/d/n)!" you say happily and you run off with (y/d/n) yo your room leaving the adults alone
when you were gone, the mercs look at each other and medic sighs
"we need to supervise (y/n) till we can catch her brother in the act" medic says and the others agree
"why is he attacking (y/n) though? you think he's hypnotise by someone to do it?" engineer asks and the others think about it
"maybe or he been threaten to do it by someone in (y/n)'s family, you all know how her parents were so maybe her other family members are the same" sniper explains and everyone nods at the memory of your parents kidnapping you and using your abillity to their advantage only to backfire
"then we will make sure that (y/n) is fully protected 24/7, do we all agree?" medic says and the other fully agree to protect you from your brother
meanwhile far away hiding behind some rocks and (y/b/n) holds up the walkie-talkie in his right hand and was cringing
"you what?!" the man on the other end of the walkie-talkie says "you revealed yourself to (y/n)!?" he adds and (y/b/n) sighs a little
"i didn't mean to, i was standing up to get away after a failed attack and then the wind blew off my hoodie blew off" (y/b/n) says and a angry groan was heard at the other end of the walkie-talkie
"worst thing is now that the mercs will be on protection mode of (y/n)...looks like we have to do this...the hard way, come back home and i'll tell you the plan" the man on the other end says and (y/b/n) nods
"yes, sir, right away" (y/b/n) says and he puts the walkie-talkie away
(y/b/n) then looks up at your room and he sighs to himself
"i know you're probably confused why i am doing this but...i know you're clever and i'm sure you will figure it out you...(y/n)" (y/b/n) says to himself and he runs off to the left
meanwhile back in your room and you with (y/d/n) we're playing around with (y/d/n)'s toys when all of a sudden you feel a strange feeling in your stomach so you stop
'why did you stop playing?' (y/b/n) asks confused with a tilted head when you stop moving
"i don't know, i suddenly felt a funny feeling in my tummy" you reply looking confused yourself as you look at (y/d/n) then at (y/c/n) who was napping on your bed
'maybe you are hungry, you haven't eaten since breakfast' (y/c/n) says as (he/she) lift (his/her) head up to look at you
"hmm...maybe your right, (y/c/n)" you says agreeing with (y/c/n) and then head to the door "come on, (y/d/n), let's go give you a treat" you add and (y/d/n) wags (his/her) tail happily
you and (y/d/n) go off into the kitchen so you can have your lunch while (y/d/n) has a treat but you still have this weird gut feeling that something is wrong but you can't explain what is wrong.
back with (y/b/n) and he was on one side of a desk in a building somewhere, on the other side of the desk was a man but (y/b/n) couldn't see him as only a light was shining on him and the rest of the room was really dark
"so, what's the plan?" (y/b/n) asks nervously
"the plan? why, the plan is simple, we lure (y/n) away from the mercenaries and then we kill her" the man says sound really selfish and cruel
"how? it didn't work with me as she has that dog with her and as you said earlier, those mercenaries with be more protective of her"  (y/b/n) explains and then he sees white shiny teeth appear in the dark
suddenly 2 men appear and grab (y/b/n) by the arms making him shocked and surprised
"wh-what are you doing?! let me go!" (y/b/n) says as he struggles to become free but he can't as the men holding him has a strong grip
"that is also easy, we use YOU!" the man says and he chuckles evily
(y/b/n) keep struggling as the 2 men take him out the room and the man still sits there in the dark as (y/b/n) leaves the room, when (y/b/n) was gone, the man stands up and goes to near the light where (y/b/n) was standing
"soon, i will have both the kids in my possession and then i will show my brother the boss i'm better then him in EVERY WAY!" the man says then the light reveals him
he looked like a slightly younger skinner version of the boss who kidnapped you a while ago and use you for your abillity to talk to animals but then you ended up breaking out of his hypnosis with (y/d/n)'s help and unlocked your animal communication abilities, the man smiles evily and walks off into the darkness.

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