Part 38 - Mommy Time

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You wake up the next morning and do your daily morning routine, when you head downstairs to have breakfast you see medic drinking coffee
"oh hi liebste" medic says when he sees you
"hi mom" you says walking up to medic
"so you want to spend the day with me today?" medic says "last time you spent it with sniper and i want to spend time with you"
"sure mom" you say and smile "what do you want to do?"
"well you can help me feed the doves again" medic says
"yeah ok" you say and smile
medic smiles back and then you do your breakfast routine, after that was done (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) head to your room to have a nap while you went with medic to the infirmary, when you and medic get there medic takes you to the dove room and you with medic feed the dove, after the dove were fed medic picks you up and take you to his room and when you get there he puts you on his bed, he then goes over to the bird cage where archimedes is and lets him out
"oh arkimedes" you say surprised to see him
"yes here he is, he sleep in mine and sniper's room" medic says as archimedes flies about
archimedes then lands on your lap and you stroke him on the head which he loved, medic smiles and sits next to you on the bed
"oh this is nice" archimedes says "keep going"
"it looks like he loves your attention" medic says sitting next to you
"yeah" you reply stroking archimedes
then hoots go off in sniper's side of the room and medic looks to see that sir hootsalot wants to come out, medic gets up and goes over to sir hootsalot's cage and let's him out, archimedes sees medic let out archimedes and flies over to him, they both sit on the window bottom and archimedes starts grooming sir hootsalot
"aww that's cute" you say when archimedes grooms sir hootsalot
"ja they do that on a daily basis" medic says sitting down next to you again "it's quite lieb"
then medic looks at you and kisses you on the forehead, you smile and then medic hugs you, you smile and hug back, medic then remembers something and he gets up and goes over to his cupboard, he then comes back with a gift
"here you are liebste" medic says handing you the gift
"thanks, what's it for?" you say
"for being such a good mädchen" medic says and smiles
you smile back then open the gift and in the gift was a children's doctor set
"i found it when we went to the zoo the other day" medic says "and i kept it hidden so you wouldn't notice it"
"thanks mom" you say and hug medics hip
medic was surprised then hugs you back, when you pull away you with medic's help open the doctor set, the set came with a stethoscope, toy syringe, fake scissors, a wooden ear thing and eye thing, a pill bottle with pretend tablets in it and a cream bottle, a little clipboard with loads of little form papers, fake glasses, a bandage and a wooden hammer that for knees you put on the glasses and then you play around with the set
"ok mom, i'm going to do a check up on you ok" you say to medic
"ok liebste" medic says and chuckles
you then grab the stethoscope and put it to medics heart and after a few seconds you take the round bit of the stethoscope away
"oh no mom, your heart is broken" you lied
"oh what should i do doctor (y/n)" medic says acting worried
"i will have to give you this" you say holding a toy syringe
you then put the toy syringe to medic's arm and blow a raspberry when you push down on the top making medic chuckle, after the top was fully down you take away the toy syringe and you pick up the pill bottle and take out a tablet
"take this and your heart will be all better" you say giving medic the tablet
"ok" medic says and pretends to take the tablet "oh i feel better already, thanks doctor (y/n)" and he holds you in place giving you kisses around your face
you blush then put all the doctor things in a pink doctor box that came with the set, after you put them away you pushed medic on the bed and you try and find his tickle and unlike sniper he has a tickle spot and you find it on his hip, you tickle medic and he was laughing
"hah, i have found your tickle spot" you say proudly and carry on tickling medic
"oh haha liebste hahaha please hahaha stop hahahaha" medic says while laughing
you carry on tickling medic till your arms got tired so you stop and then you lie next to medic
"oh liebste" medic says "i love you so much" and he pulls you in and kisses you on the head
"love you too mom" you reply and hug medic
medic hugs you back and then when you pull away medic looks at you, he then boops you on the nose and you smile
"i think that tablet you gave me made me all lovey dovey" medic says
"no it's made you the best mom i've ever had" you reply and kiss medic on the cheek making him smile
"thank you liebste' medic says and pulls you in
you and medic spend a while lying on the bed talking about things and then it was dinner time, you and medic head downstairs and you had dinner, after dinner you head to bed and when you got there you remembered you left your doctor set in medics room so you go and fetch it, when you get there you open the door and you see archimedes and sir hootsalot sleeping together, you aww then grab your doctor kit and leave, when you shut the door you turn around and you see sniper
"hello sweetheart, what were you doing in my and medic's room?" sniper asks
"i was getting my doctor set that mom gave me" you reply "and i saw arkimedes and sir hootsalot sleeping together, it was so cute"
"it is but it's not as cute as you are sweetheart" sniper says and give you a kiss on the forehead "goodnight sweetheart"
"night dad" you reply and head to your room
when you get to your room you see (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) still sleeping and you smile before putting your doctor set on the desk, you then get changed into your nightie and get into bed, you fall asleep and in the night you had a dream that you were being loved to death by sniper and medic and you were happy.

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