Part 26 - Swimming

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You wake up the next morning with your cold gone from yesterday and (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) waiting for their daily routine so you head out to the kitchen, when you get there you see soldier and engie having breakfast and you wave at them, you do the pet routine and then after that you do that and made your breakfast you sit at the table and start eating
"hey there darlin' me and the other were wondering if you wanna go swimming today if you are feeling better?" engie says
"sure, i've never been swimming before" you say, when you were about 4, one of your school friends invited you to a pool party for their 5th birthday and you were happy to go but when you showed your ex-mother, she refused, teared up the invatation and threw it away, you were so upset and you cried in your room all night
"really?! then this will be your first time swimming" engie says happily
"yeah it will" you replied
"don't worry cupcake, i will teach you how to swim like a pro" soldier says
"that will be great" you say with a big smile
then sniper and medic enter
"hi liebste, i see that you are much better then yesterday" medic say putting his hand on your head
"yeah thank to that mixture you gave me, i feel a lot better" you say
"that's good to hear sweetheart" sniper says from the kitchen counter where his coffee machine is "i'm guessing engie told you about the swimming trip"
"yeah and i wanna go but who is going to look after (y/d/n) and (y/c/n)" you say
"pyro isn't going so he'll look after them for you" engie says
"ok" you sigh "when are we going?"
"when everyone is ready" medic says
"ok" you say with a smile and then carried on eating
after eating your breakfast, you head to your room with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) following you and when you get to your room you put your swimming costume and towel in your bag
"i'm going swimming today" you tell your dog and cat "and pyro is going to look after you while i'm gone"
"ok" (y/d/n) says
"i told him to be on his best behaviour with you" you say "well i'm off" and you walk to the front door
when you get there you see everyone except pyro waiting at the door with a little bag with a towel and a swimming trunks in
"you ready tuts" scout says
"yep" you reply
"good then lets go" scout says and they all head to the car
like the time you went to the beach everyone went in the truck and you went into snipers camper van with medic and sniper, when you all get there it was a special private pool so only you and the mercs were allowed in it, medic helps you out the camper and you all head inside, when you all get to the changing room you get changed into your swimming costume and after you get changed you meet scout near the pool, you look at the other mercs and you giggle when you see sniper's trunks, they had koalas on the legs (the trunks he wore on the beach trip had the aussie flag on it), sniper sees you gigging and walks over to you
"are you laughing at my trunks?" sniper says
"yeah, it has a strange cute animal on them" you say
"that is called a koala sweetheart, they are popular from where i'm from" sniper says pointing at the koala on one of his legs
"it's cute" you say cuting out
"they sure are, come let's get in" sniper says and you walk over to the pool with him, everyone was getting in the pool when you start getting in
the water was a mixture of hot and cold but you got used to it, you had a little trouble swimming but with a little help from sniper you managed to swim a little, then soldier came over
"hey cupcake, grab onto my neck" soldier says and he turns around, you loop your arms around soldier neck and he swims around with you on his back
after that you let go of soldier, you were swimming a little then medic swims over to you with some pink goggles
"here liebste" medic says and puts the goggles on you
"what are they mom?" you say feeling the goggles on your face
"they are goggles, they will help you see underwater" medic explains "look" and medic dunks his head under, you copy and you can see under the water
you look at medic and he waves at you, you wave back and you start to swim under the water when medic come back up again, you swim a little until you feel someone grab you on the hips, you get pulled up and it was engie
"make sure you come up to breath darling" engie says
"ok grandma" you say and smile, you then carry on swimming on top and under water until you bump into someone while you were underwater, you pop up and it was scout
"yo tuts, wanna race to the end of the pool?" scout says
"sure" you say and you with scout line up to one end of the pool
"ok...ready...set go" scout says and he swims off
"hey" you say and start swimming
spy see you that you are a bit slow compared to scout so he decided to help you out a little, he come close to you and give you a piggy back ride, you were shocked at first to see spy appearing from nowhere but then you realise what he's doing
"go uncle spy, go" you say cheering spy and it made him smile
spy managed to pass scout and reach the other end of the pool
"yay we did it" you cheer and you hold up spy's hand
"horay us" spy says
"no fair tuts, you had spy helping you" scout says swimming over
"hah" you say "well maybe next time you should get a piggy back ride"
"but i'm too big" scout says laughing
you laugh with scout and then you swim off since you saw heavy lying on a raft
"what you doing uncle heavy?" you ask as you swam over to heavy
"lying down" heavy says "wanna ride" and he picks you up and puts you in his belly, you enjoyed it and you were having a good time
after a bit, heavy get bored on the raft and get off, he then puts you on the raft and swims away, you sat on the raft with your feet in the water but you didn't notice sniper sneak up behind the raft and he scares you, you fall in the waterand sniper helps you come back up, he sticks you on the raft again and laughs
"dad! why did you that for?" you say annoyed
"all in good fun sweetheart" sniper replies putting his hands on the raft
"well i'm not talking to you, anymore" you say "hurump" and you cross your arms and look away
"i'm sorry sweetheart, i didn't mean it" sniper say jokely and he kisses you in the cheek
"...ok your forgiven but don't do it again or i will tell mom on you" you say uncrossing you arms and looking at sniper
"i won't" sniper says and he rubs your hair before swimming away
you get bored sitting on the raft and decide to swim again, as you were swimming you see scout swimming up and down the pool, soldier and engie chatting at the top of the pool, demo on a decchair drinking his drink, heavy swimming slowly around, sniper and medic chatting and spy...where is spy?, you look around on top but you couldn't see him and then you dunk your head underwater, you look around and you spot him swimming underwater at the deep end of the pool, you tried to swim over but it was to deep for you so you swam back, you tried to call spy underwater but he couldn't hear you'll you appear up top again, as you appear scout was next to you
"what's up tuts" scout says
"i can see uncle spy under there, i tried calling him but only bubbles came out my mouth so he didn't hear me" you say
"don't worry tuts" scout says "grab on" and you grab onto his neck, you and scout head toward spy and when he sees you and scout he waves at you, you wave back and then all of you head to the top of the water again
"what's up lapin" spy say
"nothing i was check where you were since i couldn't see you" you say letting go of scout and swimming over to spy "i tried calling you underwater but you didn't hear me"
"well i'm here now lapin and don't worry about me, i can take care of myself" spy says
"that's good, well bye" you say and swim away "thanks scout"
"your welcome tuts" scout replies and swim off
spy shakes his head and swims off
after spending a lot of time in the pool, it was time to get out so everyone got out, got dry and changed and headed back to the car, when you got back it was dinner time and you had a nice dinner before heading off to bed and falling asleep from a busy day swimming.

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