Part 28 - Fireworks

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You wake up the next morning and do your usual morning routine and after your morning routine you were about to head to your room when soldier stops you
"hello cupcake, do you know what day it is?" soldier says
" what day is it grandad?" you say
"it's american independents day" soldier says and holds up a little flag
"what?" you say looking confused
"settle down soldier, remember she's only 6 and she has no idea what your on about" engie says walking behind soldier and keeling down to you "american independent day, it's a day where..."
"we celebrate being american" soldier says interrupting engie
"yeah..." engie says "do you want to celebrate it with us later? they will be fireworks and a party"
"i love to" you say with a smile
"good now lets party" soldier says and he picks you up and take you to the rec room leaving (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) in your room
when you get to the rec room scout was already there but no one else, scout looks at the door when you enter with soldier with engie behind you
"where is everyone?" you ask
"the others aren't american like we are so they are doing their own thing" engie says and walks to scout
soldier puts you down and you see a cake with some food on the table, you stand on a chair to look at the foods
"do you want some cake, darling" engie says
"yeah" you say and you lick your lips
engie grabs a plate, cuts the cake, puts a piece of cake on the plate and gives you the plate with the piece of cake on it, you sat down next to scout and started eating your cake
"is it a nice cake?" engie asks
"...yeah" you says
"good, i made it last night" engie says
you carry on eating the delicious cake till it was gone and only crumbs were left, later after all the food was gone you, soldier, engie and scout were have a dance to the pop music scout brought down, you were dancing like nobody was watching and you were having a good time, you also though it was funny to see solider and engie dancing when they are so much older then you but you let it slide and continue to dance till you got tired, you sit down and scout sits next to you
"your such a good dancer tuts" scout says
"yeah i've been practicing" you says 
"you will beat me at a dance off any day" scout says smiling
you and scout watch soldier and engie still dancing and they looked like they were having a good time, meanwhile sniper, medic, spy and heavy were in the infirmary chatting
"sound like they are having a very good party up there" sniper says
"yeah i never seen them celebrate american independence day this much before" spy says
"i think it's because (y/n) is with them and the party is a lot more interesting" medic says
"is (y/n) american?" heavy says
"i think she's (country name e.g. british, scottish etc)" medic says
"but she still enjoying herself even if she (is/isn't) american" spy says
"yeah we should join them" sniper says
everyone nods and leave the infirmary to join you and the others for a great party, the party was going better then ever when the other mercs come and join in and as soon as you know it, it was time to do the fireworks and everyone was standing outside waiting for demo to finish setting up the fireworks
"is everyone ready?" demo says after setting up the fireworks
everyone says yes and pyro starts lighting the rockets, the rockets go into the sky and explode into a firework, everyone watched in amazement and you had mix feeling about the fireworks, you like how pretty the fireworks were but the big bang scared you so when the bang went off you would grab medic trousers and hid by the noise, medic notices and strokes your head to calm you down which it does and after the fireworks are over you have a turkey dinner to celebrate the last of american independence day then you head to bed all tuckered out after a really long fun party

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