Part 7 - Team Bonding

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In the night, you were fast asleep then you had a dream, in the dream you were chilling with the mercs then your friends from school appeared and started taking all the mercs away from you and making fun of you and calling you weird for hanging around with fully grown boys, this made so upset that you woke up, you look around, grab your teddy and hugged it close also when you woke up it was morning so you get out of bed and head towards the kitchen, when you get to the kitchen engineer was there making something, you open the door and engie looks at you
"hello darling, we are having pancakes this morning so expect scout and pyro to charge in any second" engie said smiling then returning to the pan on the stove, you sit down and engie hand you a plate with 2 pancakes on it
"here you go, darling" engie said handing you the plate, you thank him and start eating the pancake, as you take your first bite and it was the tastiest thing you ever eaten, you take another bite and you love it
as you were eating, the doors swing open and scout and pyro come bolting in, they sit down and notice you
"hey there tuts, i see you have your pancakes already, are they good" scout said eyeing you pancakes
"they are amazing" you say putting another piece in your mouth
"oh thanks darling" engie said handing scout and pyro their plates, scout tucked right into the pancake but pyro just looked at it
as you were eating your pancakes you realise something, where is sniper, he was usually up first out of all the mercs and he isn't here, them you think he might come down later with medic to have some pancakes so you carry on eating your pancakes, as you were eating you look at scout who is already asking for more pancakes but pyro pancakes were already half gone and you didn't even see him move once to eat them, you just shrug and carry on eating
when you finished your pancakes, everyone except sniper and medic came down to have pancakes, you were getting kinda worrried about them but you just shrug it off again, put your plate by the sink and go into the living room to watch tv, after a while you scout joins you
"hey tuts, are you enjoying yourself with us" scout said as you sat down
"yeah, it's been great so far, i enjoyed everyone kindness" you say smiling at scout
"good, but i notice something on your mind so what's up" scout said
"well... i had a strange dream last night where we were all relaxing, then my friend from school came along and took all you all away and then they made fun of me for hanging out with you guys" you said telling that story instade asking scout where sniper and medic were
"don't worry about that, tuts just don't tell them anything about us and you'll be fine" scout said "just tell them you had a great time at summer camp and only us and you will know about what you really did"
"thanks scout" you said with a big grin on your face, scout smile back and then you give scout a big hug, scout was surprised by the hug but then hugged back, after you let go of scout, he pulls you onto his lap, rubbed his head agents yours and watched tv together
a while later, you and scout were still watching when spy come in and sit down on the on the other side of the couch from you and scout
"hello scout, lapin" spy said as he sat down, he then looked at you and give you a smile, you smile back and went back to watching the tv
you were still worried why you haven't seen sniper and medic still but you thought "why are i worried about them, i have scout and spy here in the room but i can't stop worrying about is sniper and medic" you think about it for a bit then you get detracted by the door opening and it was soldier and engineer, they walk over and sit on the couch talking about something
"hello darling" engie said and he pulls you off scouts lap onto his, scout was starting to get leg cramps anyway
"i'm going to find what pyro up to, see you later tuts" scout said and he walks off, engie then take his glove off and as he was doing that he brushes his hand agents you foot causing you to giggle, soldier sees you giggle by the hand brush on your foot and put his finger on your foot, he moves his finger up and down and you couldn't stop laughing, soldier smiles by your laughter
"i have found your weakness, cupcake" soldier said still tickling your foot, you were still laughing and you couldn't stop, then engie decided to join in, he grab your other foot and start tickling it causing you to laugh even more
"you are going to get a right tickling, darling" engie said as he was tickling your foot, after a while of tickling soldier and engineer stopped tickling you and to give you a break, you were red in the face and tired from all the laughing
"i didn't know you were so ticklish, lapin" spy said speaking up after watching you get tickled by soldier and engineer
"i didn't want to tell anyone since that might do that" you said exhausted from laughing
"is it only you that knows this?" spy questioned
"no my (brother/sister) knows and my mother knows too" you say
"well now me, soldier and engineer know now too, but we won't tell the others" spy said
"ok thanks" you say, in truth you did have another tickle spot, it was on your tummy but you hope they won't find out about that one
after a while, you fell asleep, you were sitting on engie lap but your head was lying on soldier's arm, before you fell asleep you though on how well you have bonded with nearly all the mercs (the only one you have had time with yet is demoman), you felt safe around them and it didn't feel weird to you that there was all these men in one building, you smile to yourself and close you eyes and fell asleep.
A while later it was dinner time, engie woke you up before dinner and it was soldier's turn to cook but he asked you to help him out, with your help soldier made the tastiest pork the mercs ever had
"wow soldier, this is the first food you ever made that taste so good" scout said as he was eating it
"i did have help from (y/n), she is quite good at cooking" soldier said putting a piece of pork in his mouth
"maybe next time, i'll ask you to help me" engie said to you, which made you blush
sniper and medic were still nowhere to be seen, which still worried you, but you finish your dinner and head to bed, as you were walking to your room, you hear talking form sniper and medic's room you listen and you know it was sniper and medic, they were in their room all day but why, you just ignore why and went to you room feeling a bit happier that you knew where sniper and medic were, put on your nightie, got into bed and fell asleep

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