Part 57 - Shopping Trip

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You wake up on another saturday morning after a full week of school and you head downstairs to do the morning routine, as you get to the kitchen with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) behind you, you see sniper, medic, scout, pyro, engie and soldier at the table eating fried eggs, sausages, toast, bacon and hash browns
"oh hi tuts" scout says with some food in his mouth
"hi everyone" you say and you go to the table to prepare to feed (y/d/n) and (y/c/n)
"you want some breakfast darlin'?" engie asked
"sure do" you say
"ok what will you like?" engie asked
"umm" you say and you told engie what you want
"ok darlin' coming right up" engie says and he starts cooking
you carried on feeding (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) and when that was done you sit down at the table to wait for your breakfast to be cooked
"hey tuts" scout says "me and the other are going to the shopping mall, you wanna come?"
"ok" you says
"pyro is staying behind so he can look after (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) while we're out" soldier says
"ok thanks pyro" you say to pyro
pyro claps his hands happily then engie hands you your breakfast
"here you are darlin' enjoy" engie says
"thanks grandma" you says and you tuck into your food
engie smiles then he sits down to finish off his breakfast, after breakfast you head back upstairs with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) behind you, you get washed and dressed and then you head downstairs to meet the others, when you get there you see all the mercs wearing casual wear
scout was wearing a long sleeved shirt and long trousers (pants), soldier was wearing a jacket and long trousers (pants), demo was wearing a jacket and trousers (pants), heavy was wearing a coat jacket, gloves and long trousers (pants), engie was wearing a jacket and he still had he overalls on, medic was wearing his lab coat coat but without the logo on the sides and warm looking trousers (pants), sniper was wearing a jumper with a koala on it and warm trousers (pants) and lastly spy was wearing a suit coat and warm suit trousers (pants)
"you ready to go sweetheart?" sniper says as you cane down the stairs
"sure am" you say happily
"ok let's go" scout says and he opens the door
everyone head to the vans and as usual you get in to sniper's camper with sniper and medic, they all head off when everyone was ready and the drive took quite a while, when you and the others made it to the mall medic helps you out of the camper and everyone gets inside the mall, when inside it was quiet and then spy talks
"right, i'll go with (y/n), scout and heavy go together, soldier, engineer and demo go together and sniper and medic go together" spy says "and we'll meet back here later"
everyone agrees and they head off, spy then holds out his hand
"ready to go lapin" spy says
"ok uncle spy" you say and takes spy's hand
then you and spy went off, as you and spy were walking you saw the toy store a few feet in front of you and you get excited
"oh can we go to the toy shop" you say happily
"of course lapin but you can only look" spy says
"ok" you say and you run off into the toy store
when you entered you looked around and you saw many things you loved and liked, spy was right behind you the whole time and seeing what you would like for your christmas, after looking around the store you and spy left and went find one of the others to see what they were up to, the first mercs you and spy find is soldier, engie and demo
"hi guys" you say with a wave
"hi cupcake" soldier says
"hi granddad" you say going over to soldier
"can i leave her with you for a bit?" spy whispered to engie
"sure thing partner" engie says and gives spy a thumbs up "come along then darlin'," and him, soldier, demo and you head off somewhere
spy smiles and he heads back into the toy shop to buy your christmas presents, after a while it was getting dusk and all the mercs came out of the mall with bags of presents for each other and you then you and the others got into the vans and camper and headed back home, when you got to the base it was dinner time and you had a nice dinner before heading into bed.

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