Part 33 - Making Marshmallow Sandwiches

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You wake up the next morning and do the morning routine, after your morning routine you decide to explore the base some more while (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) slept in your room and you end up finding engie's workshop, you push the door open and engie swing around to look at you
"oh hello darling" engie says with a smile and walking over to you "having an explore are we?"
"yes grandma" you reply
"well this is my workshop, this is where i build and fix thing" engie says and you looked around
you explore the workshop and they was a lot of interesting thing, they was a unbuilt sentry, lots of metal parts, unbuilt weapons and other things, you smile and start looking in engie's toolbox
"what's this?" you say picking up a wrench
"that's a wrench, it puts bolts onto screws" engie says showing you the bolt and the screw
"oh cool" you say and smile "you know a lot about things"
"well i have a lot of smart papers" engie says and he says smart papers since you to young to know what PHD is yet
"you must of studied hard at school" you say surprised
"i did, i am so smart" engie says proudly
you smile and engie picks you up
"maybe someday you'll be as smart as me" engie says
"be as smart as you? but you are to smart and i'm only a little smart" you say
"your smart on your own way darling" engie says "now come, let me show you something" and he puts you down
he then walks to his desk and pulls up a teddy engie
"this is my friend teddy roosebelt" engie says
you take the teddy engie out of engie's hand and cuddle it
"hi teddy rossbelt" you says hugging the bear
"close enough" engie says smiling
you give the teddy back to engie then soldier comes though the door
"hi engie" soldier says "hi cupcake"
"hi grandad" you says and you hug soldiers leg
soldier smiles and then engie awws, you let go and soldier rubs your hair
"i was doing my daily check up on everyone" soldier says "ok bye" and soldier leaves
"ever since you came along, soldier been more caring and every morning he checks up on the others to check if they are ok" engie says "he used to be more shoutie and damanding"
you giggle and engie smiles
"well what are you going to do now darling?" engie asks "you can keep me company for a bit"
"ok" you say and you join engie at the desk
engie takes his helmet off and he goes to his toolbox to take out his favourite wrench, when he gets back he smiles to see you with his helmet on
"you look cute" engie says and lift up the helmet
"i'm mini you" you say
"yes you are darling" engie replies sitting down next to you
then soldier comes back in again and then sees you with engie's helmet on
"hi again" you says
"hi soldier boy" engie says "back so soon"
"yes everyone is present and correct" soldier says "now it's chill time" and he sits down on the couch in the corner of the workshop
you walk over to soldier with engie's helmet on your head, soldier picks you up and puts you on his lap
"what you doing in engie's helmet?" soldier asks you
"i'm mini grandma now" you say proudly making engie chuckle
soldier then takes off engie helmet and sticks his helmet on you
"now your mini me" soldier says after sticking the helmet on
you lift up the helmet and soldier smiles at you, you then smile back and engie walks over to get his helmet
"you look quite cute in that helmet darling" engie says as you look at him
you blush a little then pyro bursts in, he shakes engie about
"what's wrong pyro?" engie says
pyro mumbles something in excitement and pulls engie's hand
"oh i know what time it is" engie says remembering
"what's happening" you ask
"pyro wants me to teach him how to make s'mores" engie says and pyro claps his hands
"what are they?" you ask
"well i show you" engie says "you coming soldier"
"yeah" soldier mumbles and you jump down
you try to figure out where you were going since you had soldiers helmet on but you kept bumping into everything so soldier picks you up and you all go outside to pyro's campfire, when you get outside you were put down on a log and you had soldier on your right and pyro on your left with engie opposite you
"so to make s'mores, you need a marshmallow and 2 crackers, you can have chocolate too if you want" engie says to you and pyro
pyro claps excitability and runs back into the base, when he comes back he has a bag of marshmallows, a packet of crackers and a few chocolate bars, engie thanks pyro and grabs a stick, he puts a few marshmallows on the stick and puts the stick in front of the campfire
"you leave the marshmallows in front of the fire for a minute or so and when the marshmallow looks meltie and brown in places" engie says and he pulls the marshmallow out the fire and it looks like he explained "like this, you put it on a cracker" engie puts a marshmallow on a cracker "and you put another one on top of it or you can put the chocolate on then the cracker on top" he places the cracker on top of the marshmallow and there in his hand was a s'more
pyro claps on excitement and takes the s'more out of engie's hand, engie then makes you a s'more and hands it to you
"here you go darling" engie says handing you the s'more
"thank you" you reply and start eating the s'more "this is pretty good"
"it's even better if you have chocolate with it" soldier says
engie makes a s'more for soldier and hands it to him, he then grabs a chocolate bar, snaps a piece off and hands it to soldier, soldier puts the chocolate in his s'more and takes a bite out of it, he then hands you the s'more and you take a bite
"your right" you says loving the taste "it's better with chocolate in it"
soldier and engie smile then look at pyro who has somehow finished his s'more and is now making another one, time passes, it was dark and you ended up falling asleep on soldier's arm so soldier wraps his arm around you, engie was playing his guitar and smiles when soldier puts his arm around you and pyro was watching the fire like it was a movie, after a while soldier wakes you up since it was dinner time and after dinner you tell (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) about your day before going to sleep in your bed.

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