Part 66 - Meeting the Cousins

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you wake up the next morning with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) by your side and you are holding the empty glass that you had last night, as you were heading into the kitchen you notice the time by a clock on the wall and you see that's it 3 in the afternoon
'wow, i must of overslept' you think to yourself and then carry on to the kitchen
when you get to the kitchen you see sniper, scout, pyro, demoman, heavy and spy at the table
"hi!" you says happily with a wave and sniper goes over to you
"morning sweetheart" sniper says as he picks you up "i got somebody to show you" he says as you and him leave the kitchen with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) following
"who?" you ask confused
"you'll see" sniper replies and he takes you to the infirmary
when you and sniper get there he opens the door and you see miss pauling smile at you
"hello (y/n)" miss pauling says happily and you wave at her
"hello auntie pauling, are you okay after seeing that horror movie last night?" you says and ask
luckily sniper told miss pauling earlier what he told you last night and she nods
"yeah, that movie was awfully scary" miss pauling says putting her hand on her chest and you nod "but i bet you are here to meet somebody" she says and she gets out of bed
"yeah, but who is it?" you says confused as sniper follows miss pauling to 2 cots
"well...i like you to meet your twin cousins, jessie...and james" miss pauling says as she points to each twin which were easy to guess as jessie had a pink blanket around her while james had a blue one
sniper then puts you down and you go over to the middle of the cots
"i...have cousins now..." you says amazed and shocked
"yes and in a few years they will be old enough to become your playmates" sniper says as he strokes you on the head
"why can't they play now?" you says not really sure how babies work as you never met one
"they are to young to play now, they don't know how their limbs work so they can't catch a ball and they can't talk yet so it will be hard to understand them" sniper explains and you then understand
you then see that (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) has followed you and you decide to show then the twins, you pick up (y/d/n) and you put (him/her) in jessie's cot
"look, (y/d/n) this is one of our new cousins" you says as you place (y/d/n) in the cot
(y/d/n) then gives jessie a good sniff, licks her on the cheek then decides to use her as a pillow as (he/she) places (his/her) head on jessie
"aww, (y/d/n) likes her" you says as you pick up (y/c/n) "what do you think, (y/c/n)" you says as you place (y/c/n) in the same cot as (y/d/n),
(y/c/n) then sniffs jessie like what (y/d/n) did then (he/she) didn't want to be there anymore so (he/she) jumped out and stands by you
"smells funny" (y/c/n) says unsure about the new person
"it's okay, (y/c/n)" you says as you kneel down to comfort (y/c/n) "she won't hurt you, she's only a baby" you says and (y/c/n) calm down a little and starts head butting you
you then take (y/d/n) out of jessie's cot and put (him/her) into james' cot, like with jessie (y/d/n) sniffs james then (he/she) lies down using james like a pillow
"why do you keep lying on them" you ask (y/d/n)
"they are comfy smelly pillows" (y/d/n) replies and you laugh
'they aren't pillows, they are babies" you says and (y/d/n) shakes (his/her) head
"oh! silly me" (y/d/n) says then you take (him/her) out of the cot
"(y/d/n) and (y/c/n) are okay with them" you says to sniper and miss pauling who were behind you the whole time
"that's good to hear" sniper says happily and he picks you up "now come on, let's give some food, you must be hungry" he says as he walk out of the infermary
"i am" you say then you with sniper, (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) head to the kitchen
after a bit you have grabbed your food and you were now sitting at the table eating it while (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) was eating their food in their bowls, at the table with you was scout and pyro with pyro colouring and scout looking unsure about something
"hey tuts" scout says and you look up at him "there is something i have to tell you" he says and you tilt your head as you eat your food
"what?" you says with your mouth full
" see...i have to leave the base for a help miss pauling look after the twins" scout says sound both unsure and sad
"oh...will you come back?" you says as you swallowed you food then look at scout with a sad face
"yeah but only when you are at school so we will not see each other that much, only on holidays like christmas, easter, birthdays, half term, those types of holidays" scout explains and you feel sad but then realised something
"well there is a half term coming up in a few weeks, we can meet again then" you says and scout smiles
"oh yeah, may half term is coming up" scout says and smiles "i also forgot about that week" he says and smiles "i guess i will see you then" he says and your smile made him grin
"so when are you going?" you ask as you put another bit of food in your mouth
"tonight after dinner, i have to pack all my stuff up and then drive to miss pauling house" scout explains "that's where i will be staying for a long while" he adds
"well i hope i will get to see you when you come over, you are my favourite brother" you says and then you get down off your chair to give scout a hug
as you hug scout, scout looks at you in surprise but the he calm down and hugs you back, after the hug scout smiles at you
"and you are my favourite little sister" scout says and you get embarrassed
"well, i have to go pack, see you later tuts" scout says and he leaves
you watch him leave then you carry on with your food, you then feel looked at so you look up and see pyro looking at you, you then realise he was feeling left out so you smile at him
"don't worry pyro, you are also my favourite sibling" you says and this made pyro clap excitedly
he then goes back to drawing and you carry on eating, later it was dinner time and after dinner you with everyone else said bye to scout, miss pauling and the twins, after they left you were sent to bed and you fell asleep having a dream about you playing with your cousins in a big field.

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