Part 41 - Ghosts and Imagination

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In the night you woke up from your dream to (y/d/n) scratching at the door
"you want to go out (y/d/n)?" you says to (y/d/n)
"yeah i need to pee really bad" (y/d/n) replies
so you get out of bed and open your bedroom door, (y/d/n) bolts off to the kitchen and you follow but quietly so you don't wake the others up, you get to the kitchen and you let (y/d/n) outside, you wait for (him/her) and as you were doing so something didn't feel right you look around and then when you get to the living room you feel hate and anger, you didn't like it so you went back to the kitchen to see if (y/d/n) came back in yet from (his/her) toilet break and when you get to kitchen you see (y/d/n) waiting for you
"what's wrong (y/n)?" (y/d/n) says looking at you confused
"i don't know, i went to the living room and then..." you say then you get cut off by (y/d/n) growling "why you growling?"
"your ex-mother standing behind you" (y/d/n) says angrily and you jump back to (y/d/n)
you looks around and you see nothing there, you then remember scout telling you about ghosts
"she must be looking for her body" you think out loud "let's hurry to our room" and you with (y/d/n) go back to you room
when you get back to you room with (y/d/n) you walk to your bed and you see (y/c/n) looking at you
"where did you 2 go?" (y/c/n) says worried
"i went to let (y/d/n) out and then we saw a ghost of my ex-mother" you say to (y/c/n)
"i remember you telling me about her" (y/c/n) says "i though she was gone"
"i thought so too but she's back as a ghost and i will tell mom and dad in the morning" you say and you get into bed with
(y/d/n) jumping on the bed next to (y/c/n)
"ok well good night" (y/c/n) says and (he/she) fell asleep again
you end up falling asleep but (y/d/n) was worried, (he/she) looks around the room then (he/she) also falls asleep, you wake up the next morning and you do the daily morning routine, when you get to the kitchen you see sniper, medic, soldier, scout and engie having their breakfast which is egg, bacon and sausages with toast and when you enter the kitchen you and (y/d/n) still feel an uneasy feeling you felt last night
"hello sweetheart" sniper says seeing you
"hi dad..." you say looking a bit worried
"what's wrong liebste" medic says seeing you worried
"there's this weird feeling" you say looking around
"like what tuts" scout says 
"like someone is watching me and it's not a good feeling" you says 
then (y/d/n) starts growling at the corner of the room, everyone looks but there was nothing there
"is it her again?" you ask (y/d/n)
"yes she was standing in the corner looking evil" (y/d/n) replies
"who?" scout says
"" you say and this made everyone wide eyed
"are you saying she's a ghost" sniper says
"yes and she's looking for her body so she can come to kill me" you say
"don't worry tuts" scout says going over to you "we won't let her touch you even if she's gone"
"thanks scout" you say and hug him still a little worried
scout hugs back then he puts you on the chair so you could have your breakfast, after breakfast you go to your room and the other mercs stay in the kitchen
"we can't let (y/n)'s ex-mother bother her" scout says
"i have an idea" soldier says
"ugh...what you got soldier" scout says
"we can ask merasmus to trap that maggot in a bottle" soldier says "i've seen him do it before"
"but merasmus doesn't appear till halloween" medic says
"and halloween is quite a while away" scout says
"then we have to do it ourselves" soldier says
"how?" scout says "we need a spell book and we don't have one"
"i'm going to merasmus' house" soldier says "see you" and soldier leaves though the back door
"where is merasmus' house?" engie says
"don't know but soldier knows" sniper says "just leave him to it"
the mercs nodded then they leave the kitchen to do their own thing, back with you and you were in your room playing imagination with the toys in your room
"once upon a time, there was a princess named (y/n)" you say holding up a little teddy bear "the princess lived with her mom and dad who are queen medic and king sniper" you grab the medic and sniper teddy bears, put a paper crown on them that you made and put them on floor "they loved their daughter so much and they'll do anything to keep her happy, but then one day a dragon came along and took the princess away" you then dressed (y/d/n) up in a dragon costume you found in your cupboard and you gave the little teddy to (y/d/n) "take the teddy to that tower over there" you tell (y/d/n)
"ok" (y/d/n) replies and does what you say
"the king and queen were really worried but then their son prince scout offered to rescue her" you say and pick up the scout teddy bear "the king and queen let their son go and rescue their daughter with some worry and scout sets off with his horse pyro" you grab the the pyro teddy, put it on fours and put scout on top of pyro
you scooted across your carpet to the little castle you made and (y/d/n) stands in front of it
"move out the way dragon" you say impersonating scout's voice
"no!" (y/d/n) replies "you have to defeat me first" and (y/d/n) lies down
"ok then" you say and you make the scout teddy get off the pyro teddy
you then go over to (y/d/n) with the scout teddy and made the scout teddy softly whack (y/d/n) in the face while (y/d/n) was opening (his/her) mouth to try to catch the scout teddy in (his/her) mouth, after some time (y/d/n) got bored and walked to your bed, you grabbed the little teddy from the paper tower and you made the scout teddy hug it, as you were scooting back to the paper kingdom (y/c/n) jumps down from your bed and lies in the middle of the paper road
"what you doing (y/c/n)?" you ask (y/c/n)
"i'm the blockage in the path so you have to go round"  (y/c/n) replies
"ok" you say and tries to make the teddies go round
you tried making the teddies go in front of (y/c/n) but (he/she) had an idea and (he/she) grabbed the pyro teddy with
(his/her) claw cause you you to make the scout teddy and the small teddy to trip
"oh pyro horse" you say in your scout voice "go on without me" you said in mumbles "ok" in scout voice and you carried on with the scout teddy and the small teddy in hand
you made it back to the kingdom and you made the sniper and medic teddy hug the small teddy then the scout teddy
"oh thank you scout for saving (y/n)" you say in a medic voice "no problem" you say in scout voice
and you carried on playing but you didn't know the whole time spy was watching you thought a crack in your door and he smiles before leaving you be, spy then went to the rec room where sniper, medic, scout, heavy and pyro were hanging out
"hello gentlemen" spy says walking in "you never guess what (y/n) is up to?"
"what's she up to?" scout says
"she's playing imagination" spy says and he explains the story
"that's adorable" scout says after the story
"yeah" sniper says "i love that she dressed (y/d/n) up as a dragon"
"me too" medic says
spy smiles and then he sits by scout and they all carry on chilling till it was dinner time, at dinner you were sitting at the table next to scout having chicken when you notice soldier was missing
"where's granddad?" you say
"he's gone to visit a friend darlin', he'll be back later" engie says
"oh ok" you say and carrying on eating
after your food you head to bed and fall asleep, soldier got back as you went to bed with the spell from merasmus to seal your ex-mother in a bottle and wit the help from demoman, medic and sniper the spell worked and everyone was happy, they all head to bed a few hours later and engie hid the bottle somewhere where it would never be found before he headed to bed.

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