Part 54 - Magic Tricks

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You wake up on a saturday morning and do your usual morning routine, after that was done you were about to head to your room when scout stops you
"hey tuts" scout says "i found this while tidying up my room" and he hands you a magic tricks kit
"mister magic's magic kit" you read out loud "thanks scout" and you were about to head off when you realises something "why were you tidying your room?"
"umm...miss pauling is staying for a bit and...i need to keep the room tidy" scout says lying and the real reason is that he need room for the cots for his twins
"oh ok, we'll see you" and you take off to your room
when you get to your room you sit on the floor and unbox the magic kit, you then start reading the instructions manual and pick up the tricks pretty well, after a while you managed to figure out how all the tricks worked and you decide to do a show for (y/d/n) and (y/c/n), you put on a cape and a top hat that you find in your wardrobe (your wardrobe is a magic wardrobe) and you start the magic show
"doggies and carries" you say "welcome to my magic show"
(y/d/n) barks happily and (y/c/n) purrs
"for my first trick, i will make flowers appear from this empty plant pot" you say and you show (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) the empty plant pot
meanwhile medic was coming out of his room after feeding and giving attention to archimedes and sir hootsalot when he hears noises coming from your room so he goes and invistigates, when he looks though the gap in your door he sees you having your magic show with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n)
"i'm going to say the magic words and the flowers will appear" you say "ok...hokus pokus" and you tap the pot
you then stick your wand in the pot and then a flower appears when you pull the wand away, (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) enjoyed it and they were happy, medic smiled at your trick then went off to his infirmary, when he gets there he opens the doors and he goes over to his violin case, he takes out his violin and starts playing it, back with you and you just finished your magic show
"that was great (y/n)" (y/d/n) says
"yeah you should go and do it to the others" (y/c/n) says
"your right" you say "and they will love it"
you then get up and go to tell the others about the magic show, you tell each merc about the magic show and after a while you tell almost everyone, the last person you need to find was medic so you head to his infirmary and when you get close you hear music coming from the room, you push the door open and you see medic playing his violin, medic then see you and stops playing
"oh hello liebste" medic says
"hi mom" you says "didn't know you could play"
"ja but only sniper knows" medic says
"when did you learn how to play?" you say walking up to medic
"since i was...your age" medic says
"oh cool, does dad play?" you says
"yes he can play the saxophone" medic says
"cool" you say "i'll love to see you two play"
"you might soon" medic says and he rubs your hair "anyway why are you here?"
"oh yeah i almost forgot" you say "i having a magic show later and i want to know if you want to come see"
"oh i love to liebste" medic says "i've seen what you can do and you are a great magician"
"really!? cool we'll see you later" you say and you leave the infirmary
medic smiles at you leave then he carries on playing, later all the mercs were sitting outside the curtains you put up and then you speak like an announcer
"ladies and gentlemen" you says "(y/n)'s magic show is starting and here is you host, (y/n)!" and you walk out opening the curtains
everyone claps and you start showing the magic tricks, after the tricks were over, all the mercs clap happily by the good show and you smiled happily, sniper then goes over to you and kneels down to talk to you
"that was a good show sweetheart" sniper says "where did you for the magic tricks from?"
"scout gave me this magic kit while he was tidying his room" you say "and i picked up the tricks really quickly"
"that's good sweetheart" sniper says and he rubs your head "come on, it's dinner time"
sniper then picks you up and you with the mercs head to the dinner room, after a big meal you head to bed and go to sleep with
(y/d/n) and (y/c/n) by your side, in the night you end up having the same dream again you had the night before and it feels like whatever this dream is is getting nearer.

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