Part 22 - Farm trip and Kitten

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You wake up the next day with (y/d/n) and you do your morning routine, when you get to the kitchen you see sniper and medic kissing and it made you blush up a little, they see you see the kiss and they chuckle, after you blush went away you let (y/d/n) go outside, after you let (y/d/n) back in, fed (him/her) and you made your breakfast, you sit at the table and start eating your breakfast
"hey sweetheart, do you want to go out today?" sniper asks
"where will we go?" you reply
"there is a farm a couple of miles away and it's got lots of animals" sniper says
"yeah i love too" you say
"but you can't take (y/d/n) with you" sniper says
"oh...i'll ask scout to take care of (him/her)" you say
"aww i wish i could come" (y/d/n) says "i would love to know what a cat is"
"a cat?" you whisper so sniper and medic don't hear you
"yeah i've heard from my mother and the other dogs we saved that cats are bad but i'm not so sure" (y/d/n) says
"i will tell you when we get back (y/d/n)" you say picking (him/her) up
"what did (y/d/n) say liebste" medic says
"(he/she) wanted to know what a cat is" you say
"well (he/she)'s still a welpe so i can understand (him/her) not knowing" medic says
you smile at medic, pet (y/d/n), put (him/her) back on the floor and then carry on eating your breakfast, after breakfast you go and find scout who is in his room, you knock and open the door
"hello tuts, what's up" scout says
"umm...i was wondering if you can take care of (y/d/n) while i'm out today" you say holding (y/d/n) in your arm
"sure thing tuts, i will look after (him/her) for as long as you need me too" scout says taking (y/d/n) out of your arms
"thanks big brother" you say and leave
scout blushes a little being called big brother and then starts playing with (y/d/n), you head to your room and get washed and changed before heading downstairs to meet sniper and medic at the front door
"you ready to go liebste" medic says
"yeah all ready" you say with a smile, you take medic's hand and head to the camper van
you all get into the camper van and set off to the farm, when you all get there, you all go in and see all the animals, there was cows, sheeps, chickens, llamas, goats, horses, pigs, donkeys, ducks, small animals and birds, all the animals talked to you as they all walked over to you and they had a lot of interesting things to say, when you, sniper and medic got to the birds, you were looking around till you got to the doves, when the doves see medic they all fly over to him and coo at him really loudly
"hello my feathered friends" medic says waving at the doves and trying to pet all of them
"they probably smell arkmedes on you mom" you say
"probably but i just think that dove love him so much" sniper says
medic had to leave the doves and it made the doves sad but you told them they can visit medic anytime if they follow medics secant but don't stay away from the farm for too long, the doves agreed and went back on their purch, you all then decide to have lunch and sniper and medic decide to have a coffee and you have (your favourite drink) and a sandwich, after eating you all walk around and then you hear something, it was a small squeak of 'help', you bolt of with sniper and medic following you and you head to the source of the noise, when you get to the noise you find a mother cat meowing for her kitten that is almost about to be run over a car, you dart out and managed to save the kitten before the car even came close
"oh thank you small child" the mother cat says
"your welcome" you say with a smile giving the kitten back to it mother
the kitten with (your favourite cat fur colour) says something to (his/her) mother and the mother licks (him/her) in response
"please, take care of my kitten, it's too dangerous for (him/her) here at the age (he/she) is and i own you my life for saving (him/her)" the mother cat says, the kitten goes over to you, rubs (his/her) head on your legs and starts purring
"i will" you say stroking the mother cat, then the mother cats bolts off
you picked up the kitten when sniper and medic finally found you
" are...liebste" medic says out of breath
"why" sniper asks
you explain to sniper and medic what happened and told them about the mother cat giving you the kitten
"that was nice of her, will (y/d/n) like (him/her)?" sniper asks
"yes, i trust (him/her) " you say
"come on, lets go back home liebste" medic says and you all head home
in the camper van, you were stroking the kitten
"have you though of a name for (him/her)?" medic asks
"i was thinking (your cats name)" you say (y/c/n for now on)
"that's a nice name" sniper says "did you have a fun day"
"it was great, i can't wait to tell the others about it" you say
when you get back you enter and (y/d/n) come running to you
"hello (y/n), what you got there" (y/d/n) says
"this is (y/c/n), (he/she) is your new best friend" you say and you put (y/c/n) on the floor
"hello (y/c/n), i'm (y/d/n) nice to meet you" (y/d/n) wagging (his/her) tail, (y/c/n) was spooked at first by then realised you trusted (y/d/n) so (he/she) headbutts (y/d/n)
"by the way, (he/she)'s a cat" you say
"a cat, i like cats now" (y/d/n) says
"that's good" you say "now lets go find the others"
you go into the living room where everyone is watching tv and you tell them about your day and about (y/c/n), everyone was cuted out by (y/c/n) and quickly accepted it into the family, you smile and then leave with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n), you head to your room and spend time with (y/c/n) with (y/d/n)'s help, it was dinner time when you finished playing with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) and it was a tasty chicken, after dinner you head to bed with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) and you settle down and go to sleep

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